sps keepers


Ok this is my first sps, could anybody tell me exactly what kind it is. What color I should expect, or will stay brown? And before you flame me I could not pass this coral up because it was just going to die at the lfs, plus it was only $4.


thanks for the fast reply skirby, kinda why I took it, i figured it was doomed in his tank anyway maybe I can bring it back. (I hope)


Active Member
I'd say its a Orange montipora Digitata....It should be orange with whitishorange tips and should grow like mad.
You only should be flamed if you don't have the right equipment to take care of it.


those pics were taken last week this in tonight, you can kinda see (in my blurry pics) how it has started to recover, at least it seems like it so maybe I will get lucky and it will rebound.


Active Member
You only should be flamed if you don't have the right equipment to take care of it.
Well, it was dieing at the LFS. If it was going to die, its only hope of survival is if somebody gets it.


Its under 2 250W mh I was not sure if that was on the low side of the lighting requirements, I think it might be. My camera dosent have a manual focus so its hard for me to focus on just that coral.
Thanks for the fast response guys.


Active Member

Originally posted by ViPeR_930
Well, it was dieing at the LFS. If it was going to die, its only hope of survival is if somebody gets it.

My guess is, this was a frag from somebody's tank so its not a big deal...however, that's the WRONG attitude to have. The more we save stuff from the LFS the more it will be replaced. If we try to "save" every critter that we don't know if we can keep then we're just taking more critters from the ocean that shouldn't be taken...get it?
For evey Anemone that some idiot buys from his LFS, that same LFS will replace it. For evey Blue Ribbon Eel that some idiot buys from the LFS, that same LFS will try and replace it...see where I'm going here?


Active Member

Originally posted by Tanksalot
Its under 2 250W mh I was not sure if that was on the low side of the lighting requirements, I think it might be. My camera dosent have a manual focus so its hard for me to focus on just that coral.
Thanks for the fast response guys.

You picked one of my very fisrt starter sps. Your going to have fun with that puppy. Keep in mind that they grow very fast and take up lots of room. I know it sounds like I'm kidding but there will come a time when you wish you never put it in your tank jst like I did but I wouldn't have changed a thing. Is a great coral.
Your tank sounds like its ready for sps
Thanks for the nice comments


Active Member
Nice digi Tanksalot! I put an orange one like that into my tank a few weeks ago under 2x175W MH, and it just keeps branching and branching on my. Golfish is not kidding with how fast it will grow.
Keep taking pics of it, and you'll be amazed at how quick it grows! I know I am with mine, and it's only been in the tank four weeks.


Active Member

Originally posted by golfish
My guess is, this was a frag from somebody's tank so its not a big deal...however, that's the WRONG attitude to have. The more we save stuff from the LFS the more it will be replaced. If we try to "save" every critter that we don't know if we can keep then we're just taking more critters from the ocean that shouldn't be taken...get it?
For evey Anemone that some idiot buys from his LFS, that same LFS will replace it. For evey Blue Ribbon Eel that some idiot buys from the LFS, that same LFS will try and replace it...see where I'm going here?

Good point. However, a LFS would not want to sell everything he keeps restocking for $4 when they start dieing.


Active Member

Originally posted by golfish
For evey Anemone that some idiot buys from his LFS, that same LFS will replace it. For evey Blue Ribbon Eel that some idiot buys from the LFS, that same LFS will try and replace it...see where I'm going here?

Don't sugar coat it!! Tell us how you really feel
. I agree fully but for some of us it's hard to get aqucultured sps corals...