SPS Newb!


OK last week I upgraded my lighting to 542 watts over a 55 gallon tank.. Thats almost 10 watts per gallon do you think im ready for some SPS

Whats SPS's are good for beginners? I dont have a cal reactor or anything... I dont know if some SPS draw more calcium then others or not


Good beginner SPS's are M. digitata, M. capricornis, I think pocillopora is pretty easy, hmmm... :thinking:


Both of those first two I named are montis...
Monitpora cap.
and montipora digi.


Active Member
Montipora are my favorite sps corals and are generally easier than Acropora and the like. I'd for sure try a couple of those to start with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shnabbles
OK last week I upgraded my lighting to 542 watts over a 55 gallon tank.. Thats almost 10 watts per gallon do you think im ready for some SPS

What kind of lighing do you have?


i keep tryin to keep sps, monti ,arco. things like that. but they keep on dieing? i do have alot of soft corals in the tank, so lfs told me to use chemi pure and that mite help with the (cemical) wars. i notice that they werent opening because the fish would swim next to them. is it possible that i the fish are killing them? my lights, water, and everything else is fine, 2x175w mh and 4x65 pc actinic. i do have alot of fish. thats the only thing i can think of? help sps guy