SPS question?

nm reef

Active Member
Below is a pic that I have a couple of questions about.The coral in the left front is a Acropora yongii "green slimer" ...the blueish coral right front looks a lot like the green slimer....is it also a A. yongii but a different color morph. I've seen sites offering a bluish colored slimmer....and I've seen folks discussing them...as the bluish coral grows out I'm starting to wonder if thats what it is. The green slimer started as a small frag that was traded in at a LFS where I do a lot of business....I believe from a local reefkeeper...the bluish tinted coral was purchased from the same LFS as a "acropora sp." ORA raised.
The second question/concern is with the montipora digitata in the background. Yesterday I noticied the whitish area in the center....the outter flesh seems to be coming off and the white area is double the size it was yesterday. Is this RTN? I've never had to deal with it...and its a bit of a concern. The coral started as a tiny frag about 2 years ago...one of my very first SPS additions. Its has always done great but the white patch is spreading and I'd hate to think the problem will continue to get worse. Any info...tips...suggestions?
Here is the


New Member
the coral to the right looks like a prostrata based on the corallite structure.
the digi looks like it's bleaching. i would check for monti nudibranchs as they are known to attack digi's and caps.

kicked off

could also be lack of flow. as corals grow flow needs to increase. it becomes difficult to get flow to the center of corals as they grow. have you imported wild recently? if so inspect new corals closely and do lugal iodine dips before placing in tank. best of luck if coral bleaches any more frag the coral.


It looks like RTN to me, if it is, it moves very quickly and the whole stalk will be lost if you dont frag it just above the white part. I know you might be tempted to wait and see but trust me if you see it worsten from morning till night you better frag it while you can and save the rest. I had a powerhead slip off its suction cup and blow too hard on a digitata and it killed a small area where it directly blew on it, however yours appears to be coming from the bottom and working it's way up fast like RTN. Another thing that would cause an area to die off is if that hammer shed a piece and it floated over and landed on it, I had a rock fall and broke off a tiny tiny piece of hammer and it floated over onto a digitata and caused a dead spot almost immediately. If none of these things happened I would say it must be RTN. Also it seems to be contagious to the same species so I would move the fragged pieces away from others just in case the fragged piece doesnt make it, usually it will if you frag it a tiny bit above any white part. Good Luck, I dont think anyone knows for sure what causes it but check your temperature just to be safe that is what started mine off one time. Carrie


I know this is a little late, but what is happening with it now?? I was thinking STN when I saw the pic, but whichever, I am just curious...


Turning white is usually a sign of, what's known as, bleaching. That can be caused by a number of stress factors and is sometimes irreversible. RTN or STN (Rapid or Slow Tissue Neucrosis) is evident when the tissue or "skin" of the coral literally sloughs off. You can see it peel away in the current. In that case, you can frag what you can to try to save pieces, but usually the frags will succomb to the RTN also, but it's worth a try. But as they get it, then yeah, I would say remove them. R/Stn is one of those things that nobody knows the real cause for and don't know if it's contagious, changes in current seem to be the theory, but to me that's still in the air since almost every tank every where has changes in the current.
Yours Reeferman, may have turned white due to lack of lighting. What kinda coral, and what kinda lights is it under??


Tizzo, I recently got some frags from the LFS, 3 acropora-1 green slimer and 2 tan colored ones. One of the tan ones is bleached. I have a pendant-MH 250w-10000k DE lighting system for a 30 gallon Hex. Plenty of current and lighting, water specs look good. Everything else is cool. :notsure:
?-Can you put 2 of the same corals (example: 2 colonies of orange zoos on 2 differant rocks) next to each other without them stinging each other or 2 of the same species period. Thanx for your input it's greatly appreciated.


2 of the same corals...It totally depends on the coral. But zoos are OK to put next to each other.
One other cause for bleaching is water temp. If the water temp at the LFS is cooler than your tank that would cause them to bleach. I am still waiting to see if that's reversible. I have a poci doing that right now.... :rolleyes:


Good point, I floated the frags for an hour to ensure same temp as tank. Let us know what your poci finds out. Thanx.