SPS with these lights?


I have a 75 gal. fowlr being converted to reef. I ordered the aqualight pro (twin 250 MH and twin 96 watt t-5s) tank is 20" deep. Will this be enough for the tougher to keep corals?


Cool! I thought it should be but I see people putting huge wattage on little tiny tanks as of late and I started to second guess myself. now that I think about it though, I'm not sure the twin 96 are t5s, they are acintic something or other... either way should be enough though...found a big sale on them!! good deal.


I have a 75 gallon as well. I currently bought 2 nova extremes (t-5s) that our pushin 54x4 each one. So a max of 432 watts. Should I be able to keep SPS Corals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cannonman
Cool! I thought it should be but I see people putting huge wattage on little tiny tanks as of late and I started to second guess myself. now that I think about it though, I'm not sure the twin 96 are t5s, they are acintic something or other... either way should be enough though...found a big sale on them!! good deal.

The 96W sound like Compact Fluorescents.


yeah, they are. still 696 watts for 75 gal.. I can't wait to set it up.. then the work begins.. going to take out all the crushed coral and replace it with sand... what a chore.