Sqidd, need advice


Active Member
Hey Squidd!!
I am finishing my seutup of my new 125 RR tank and have a few questions that perhaps you can help me with.
First is I have threaded bulkheads (1" ID), one as an outflow at the bottom of a corner overflow and the other as a return at the top, back corner of the tank. I got the outflow one down, I am not sure how to run the inflow part (ie: Water from sump back into tank). Should I just leave it open and flow out or construct some sort of fixture to divert flow in various areas of the tank? Or would a simple 90 elbow directed back across the length of the tank work?
Next is a check valve. I will have one on my return line. The problem that I see is that the ones at Lowes or the local hardware stores all seem to have a metal spring inside. Will this be a problem in a salt water tank? I have also seen black, rubber ones. Dont like the idea of black rubber, but it is free of all metal springs. Opinions/experience?
BTW, did you ever get that insurance thing straightened out with the post office on those lights?


Active Member
The return can be directed wherever you "need" the flow and that's gonna depend on your rockwork/aquascape...
At the very least you'll want it to come out "below" the surface of the water to keep from splashing bubbles into the main tank...
Forget the the check valve...bad idea... add an antisiphon hole in the return to break the siphon and keep the return line from draining the tank in a power out situation...(pic)
Far as the lights I stood in line for an hour to get a form, filled filed it out and haven' t heard from them since...


Active Member
That is all and good, but won't work for my inflow system.
The tank is predrilled and by the time it gets to the level of the bulkhead, my sump will be overflowing. I could lower the sump water level to accomidate, but then I calculated I would only have 3" of water in my sump!!
Here is a pic of the bulkhead in question (the inflow from sump).
Sucks on the postoffice thing, keep me updated.


Active Member
You have to bring the pluming above the water line with a syphon hole inside to keep the water from draining down to bulkhead. You can use lock line tubing and fittings like these.



Active Member
Ahh..now I see... being tucked in the corner like that I'd go with maybe a 45* elbow to direct flow more towards the center...unless it's gonna hit the back of a rock pile...in which case straight out and going "around" the rock would be better..
I still don't like the check valves...Not dependable..
There is a way to get your return to "anti-siphon"...
Hang on...


Active Member
Something like this...
Anything that will create an "air break" and stop the back siphon during power out..


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo lover
light bulbs cooled? I am lost.
With how he drew it, my 800gph pump would be spraying all over the ceiling....light bulbs included. Probably both my tank pendants and the ceiling light!!


Active Member
The tank is filling and will be up and running today. I am going to be moving my old 55-gal reef to it. This is what I came up with and am going to try. I'll update you on how it works.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
That will give you "direction" to the flow, but not the "anti-siphon" you need...
Just found that out. Finally got the tank moved and everything in it and the water level topped off. Still have the back siphon. Got another plan forming.....after I arrange all my corals and rocks in their new home. Been a loooooooong day of moving my 55 gal reef to my 125 (2-1/2 miles of a move). Only 11 trips. One murder and one execution. Had my cleaner shrimp killed by a worm that I have seen around the tank for a year now, never bothered anything before, but killed my shrimp in a few seconds and then when I was prying it off, it jabbed me with something and drew blood. Needless to say it got executed (garbage disposal).


Active Member
Take a look again at the pic on #6 for the air gap on the "outside"
(hint: you could do this inside the tank as well, but outside would be less visable)


Active Member
Gotta love those "Blonds"... :cheer:
No offence ment Nemo...My teenage daughter is "Legaly Blond"...and sometimes I just gotta shake my head....:notsure: (must get it from her MOM...

nemo lover

none taken.. I lucked out my kids took after their father. Both brunettes. But I guess they won't have as much fun.

Grog hows it comming along?


Active Member
Got it and it works. Tested it by umplugging my return pump, and my floor is dry!!!
The first pic is the above water one, the second below. The below waterline hole is circled, it resides about 1/4 inch below the water line.
