Squamosa Clam


Am i able to keep this type of clam in my tank i have power compacts i forgot the watts.
Ive been told all clams need MH's. I was doing some research and these type of clams it says it needs only moderate lighting.
Is this true?


Active Member
im kinda curious about this too cause i have PCs and have been wanting one of these.


Active Member
I have read this myself, but it would probably still depend on the amount of wattage and placement of the clam


Active Member
its doable under power compact for sure, but for better success, mh or t5 is recommended. if u must go with pc, then make sure u hv enough bulbs over it, and the tank isnt too deep, since squamosa clams do better on the substrate.


Originally Posted by nycbob
its doable under power compact for sure, but for better success, mh or t5 is recommended. if u must go with pc, then make sure u hv enough bulbs over it, and the tank isnt too deep, since squamosa clams do better on the substrate.
well i can put it high in the tank but it would be on rocks my tank is about 2 and a half feet high. to deep for the substrate?


Active Member
Yes too deep in my opinion for placing in the substrate.
Throughout the hobby there is always some WANT. Do it right and be patient. PCs are not advised for any clams. Squamosa or otherwise. Put in on the back burner for things too add when you upgrade lighting down the road.


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Yes too deep in my opinion for placing in the substrate.
Throughout the hobby there is always some WANT. Do it right and be patient. PCs are not advised for any clams. Squamosa or otherwise. Put in on the back burner for things too add when you upgrade lighting down the road.
Ya thats what i was thinking i mean Yes ive always wanted a clam but i bought my lights for having a semi softy reef tank im just going to wait for my reef tank ima build in about a year lol


Active Member
i have been wanting a nice clam for the last 3 years now and i wasn't sure if i could get one. but now i am!! would it be ok under 90watts of lighting? i have 2 light fixtures 1 4x65watts PC's and one 2x25watt T5's. WOULD IT WORK?? I MUST KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!