Squidd, any help?


let me get this straight:
1. water from the outerbox of the overflow goes to the sump from the stand pipe.
2. then from the sump is returned to the tank via the return pump.
3. as the tank fills, the water level rises, goes through the teeth of the innerbox of the overflow.
4. as the water rises in the innerbox, it goes back to the outerbox of the overflow via the u-tube to do it all over again.
am i correct about this? im trying to set up a 75 gallon and want to do it this way with a sump, return pump, etc.
currently i have a 29 gal with an hob filter and thats about it. so im still a little confused about all of this even after all of my research!!! thanks for any help!!


Active Member
Now your cookin with Gas!
Realize the actual waterlevel doesnt fluxuate because the overflow is same amount as the pump is putting in but yep, thats the concept.


okay thank you very much, ive been trying to figure out the whole concept of this idea as i didnt want to try and attempt to put it all together w/o actually understanding what i was trying to achieve!!
anymore input?
anyone have any suggestions on pumps and overflows? (im a college student so my bankroll isnt TOO high!!!)


your return pump size will depend on the size of your drain pipe, 1 inch flows about 600 g.p.h. (gallons per hour) so you would need a pump that will pump more than 600. You lose some g.p.h. from the pump because its pumping up hill, also any bends you will lose some pressure.
google melevsreef for more info

tx reef

Active Member
Must be an Aggie.... :hilarious
Now, if you were a Longhorn, I might help you out....

Just kidding...sounds like you have it figured out.


so is this the right idea? any comments, changes, suggestions on this set up? additionally, how can you prevent the utube from stopping siphoning? seems like if the siphon stopped there'd be a huge puddle to clean up!!


Active Member
when power to the main return pump is back on the overflow box will fill again and re-start sending water to the sump. Just for added safety, you can put an aqua lifter pump , with the air line in the u tube to suck start the siphon again.
I did mine that way before I had my new tank, and it worked like a charm when the power went out.


so when i first set this system up, what do i do first to get it running? do i fill the overflow and sump, do i start the return first? do i start the u-siphon first? etc?

tx reef

Active Member
Fill the display until the water starts to go into the overflow. Then, add water to your sump until it is about half full. Start up the return pump and then let the system run for a few minutes.
Then, shut the power off to the return pump and wait until water stops filling the sump. Add more water until the level is about 2" - 3" below the top of the sump.
Now you know that water flowing back into your sump when power goes out will never flood your house......


do you have a design or picture of the pluming? what size pvc? any special things i need to do/know with the pluming?
thanks for your help