Squidd, Bang, or anyone who can knows


The other thread was getting long and I was hoping to get the attention of those that have helped so far, so I'm starting this new one, hope that's ok.
I just got back from my LFS and the only ones to pick from in the KH was Nutrafin/Hagen or Tetra, of course I got the Hagen.
The Carbonate Hardness is 140
I also just check my Ca again and it is now at 520, was 540.
Ideas? Start water changes?

bang guy

You're nowhere near critical.
KH = 140 = 2.8Meq/L
I wouldn't do anything different except perhaps a ALK supplement.
My suggestion is to let it go another week and let's see what happens. Nothing is broke at this point.


Thanks Bang! 007 suggested that my test kits are off, so I ordered some new Salifert tests from here. As soon as I get them I will check the numbers again.
Should I do any water changes (any more then the normal)? I had been planning on doing a small one today, I think I have about 2 or 3 gal. of my cured water left. Yes? No?
Thanks again to everyone who helped out with this! :yes:


Thanks! how often though? Doing 3 gal would be a little less then 10%, is that too much? I was thinking 3 gal change every week, but I'm really not sure? :notsure:


Active Member
Your tank is pretty new right ( I haven't read any other threads ). If it is young then just let it find it's niche and maintain regular water changes. Saltwater systems are far from stable at first and it will take some time before your tank becomes anywhere near consistant so don't be to critical right now. I do 10% water changes every other week on my 125 gallon. With you tank size I would think that 5 gallons every other week or even weekly would keep things pretty stable and not brake the wallet. keep in mind that an overstocked tank whether it be Livestock or even Live rock can make a system hard to handle no matter what you do.


Active Member
Technically, 5 months past "cycle" is still a "new" tank...:D
And things (levels) will change and adjust themselves as they find their own balance...
2-3 gals a week in a 39 s not radical move and can only help...
If you use something like IO with a ca level of 400 or so and an alk level of about 3.5/3.8 meq/l it will raise your alk level as it lowers your ca...
You may not "need" any additives to create "balance"...


I said it's not TOO new :D Ok, technically my tank is newer, but I don’t really consider it to be a pretty new tank. I know I’m probably wrong, maybe its I’ve been through a lot with it and it seems a lot older. :yes:
Yeah, but aren't they supposed to adjust themselves in the RIGHT direction!? :D
What is IO? :notsure:


Oh, duh. Intant Ocean, right! I did use that at one time but have since changed. But my change water did test with a Ca of 400. Thanks Squidd! :D


Active Member
If you use RO/DI water then you may need a pinch or so of buffer to bring up PH and alkalinity in your mix up water. When a salt mix like IO says that it mixes to the proper levels it usually means that it mixes to the right levels in tap water since up until recently most people used tap water ( most people probably still use tap water ). RO/DI use is a reletively new thing in the salt water hobby.