Squidd Help ME with ma SEACLONE!!!


okay squidd i need ur help in moding ma seaclone the pic discribes wat i want done but i cant get the inner tube out i dont no wat else to do i dont hav a dermel either plz help!


Active Member
That picture looks like the "mods" I described in that other thread...
The lowering or "shortening" of the lower tube and the addition of an airstone...
In researching these mods I read that the inner tube is not glued, just a press fit, and should come out with a bit of persuasion...
I was not able to remove mine either, but I am pretty "handy" with a Dremel tool so I just cut it out with a mandrel and cut off wheel...
Perhaps you could "borrow" one from a friend or better yet, buy one... They are not that expencive and will come in handy for so many DIY projects around the house and tank, that it'll pay for itself rather quickly...:yes:


Active Member
Another option would be to "cut" the outer tube just above the lower black "ring"... modify the inner tube and reattach the outer tube with an acrylic "Weld On" adhesive...
But that's a bit more drastic and would require "specialized tools" as well...
Really the biggest part of successful DIY is having the right tools available...
I'd still recommend getting ahold of your own Dremel tool and a good assortment of cutters and bits...:yes:


mine didn't want to come out either but if you keep rocking it back and forth it will eventually pop out for you hth.


I did this to my seaclone myself and as you experienced I couldnt get my inner tube to come out either. I had just been given a birthday gift of a cordless rechargable dremel with an assortment of bits ($85.00) and used that with a cutting wheel to cut the tube.
The small bubbles usually only go back into the tank if theres so many bubbles that it can't be processed by the skimmer, like for example at feeding time. If you are getting bubbles back into the tank, then either decreasing flow (by increasing the air valve) usually takes care of the problem. But there is no real problem with the bubbles entering back into the tank other than asthetic view.
By adding a more powerfull pump you are increasing the flow into the skimmer, and again when too much flow is going on, then the bubbles flow back into the tank instead of up into the cup.