Squidd. Need your help on overflow box.


Active Member
I believe we're looking at 585 from the Mag9/SCWD and 230 from the Maxi900...or 815 total..
Divide by 45= 18X turnover...
Best bet would be a "pair" of Maxi 900s to increase supplemental flow...to 23X...
Or jump to a Maxi 1200 for 19.5....(I'd go with the "pair"..)
Can't really mess with the Mag9/SCWD because your right at the "limit" with your overflow...
Heaters ...suggest 5 watts/gallon...preferably split between two for safety/backup... (if one goes out or sticks on, won't boil or freeze your tank as quick as if "one" does...)
Heaters can go anywhere as long as they'll stay "submerged"...
Titanium is better than glass, but I like/use Ebo Jagers...


If I have 90lbs of LR in a 45gallon tank and the water line is a half inch below tank rim won't there actually be less then 45gallons of water when you figure displacement for LR? Or does that not matter when calculating turnover?
So if I do go with 2 return outflows and 2 maxijet 900's, where should they all be placed, and which direction should they all be flowing?
Thanks Again.


Hey there again Squidd,
All the pics were lost during the upgrade and I was wondering if you could please post the pic for the SCWD Return Layout.
reply #35
"Here's layout for SCWD return...edit: should read 3/4" PVC elbows "over" 3/4" spa flex for outlets to tank"


Would it be ok to have another 90 degree elbow on the output to direct water towards front of tank instead of down? Or is down the best way? Also should both of my outputs be about one inch below water surface? Or should I have one at 2 or 3 inches below water surface and one at one inch below water surface?


Active Member
You can put 45s or 90s or what wver you want (3/4" Loc Line comes to mind) to direct flow where ever you want ..
Or at any depth...just make sure you have "Anti siphon" holes in both lines (where they go over the edge of the tank) to keep from back siphoning in power out situation...