srry im reposting but i neeeed some answers


i have a artificial reef insert in my tank. i need to kno if artificial rock that has a rough, identical surface as real live rock can become live. or seed it? whatever is easier. if i can seed it or make it live how do i do it? pllzzzzz i really need some help.
and srry again for reposting its just nobody was answering


Just wondering why you aren't using real LR? I'm not sure if it will turn live, it doesn't seem likely, but the benefit of LR is also the filtration it offers.


You can purchase cheap dry base rock and just add a few pieces of nice colored live rock. It will spread and all become live rock. You will see results in a few months.


Active Member
It depends on your definition of "live"
Any surface in the tank will grow bacteria on it that aid in biological filtration. In the purest sense, this is "live rock" I guess. Just a surface for beneficial bacteria.
However, if the insert is not porous, it is very limited. It will not have the capacity of LR, it will not support the same "critters" live rock will (eg worms, pods) that live in the rock and are beneficial. It will likely not provide quite the same benefits to grazing fish. It may grow algae, it may even grow coralline algae (since glass does).
But it will not become "live" in the same way, IMO.
If the rock is porous, and basically just synthetic live rock (eg concrete DIY rock) then it can definitely approach LR and be seeded, etc.
If this is painted artificial coral, I am not sure what the paint may do. I would think it is more limited.
If it is rubber artificial coral, then it is very limited.
IMO, nothing really replaces the "real thing." You can come close, and if you define live rock in a certain way, very close.
So is it painted or ??


yes its painted. and it looks just like the real thing. same surface and everything. its just not real rock.