SSS in sump?


I have a sand sifting starfish (say that 5 times fast)
anyway, my tank has been up for approx 6 mths with no deaths, no irregularities.
however, I do have CC with i know now was not my best option. the SSS burries himself in the CC no problem and has been with me since the tank finished cycle...
my question is this, my sump (approx 10gallon) has developed somewhat of a mud/sand base in it...almost looks like a sand bed.
would the star be happier in the sump? seems like there is alot more muck and algae in lights though
just a thought...


Active Member
your starfish feeds on different critters found in your sandbed like pods, good stuff. Most, if not all with starve to death withing 6 months. because of their slow metabolism, it usualy takes that long. i would recomend giving it to someone with a much larger tank that can take care of it.


Active Member
You said your sump was 10 gallons. Most people who use 10g tanks for sumps have tanks under 100g. Either way, your cc wont have as many pods as would a live sand bed and your sump is way too small to house him. I am sure thats what fishieness was getting at.


Active Member
Oh and in another post you said you have a 55. And a linkia star. Also no good for your tank. I made the same mistake in my first 55.


what can be done in my tank to better the conditions for my stars.
The SSS is doing fine, just had the sump idea and wondered how it would do.
My buddy has a linkia in his 55, going on a year now...hard to go against something you have seen with your own 2 eyes.
i am not disagreeing with the advice, i just want to keep the advice is appreciated


Active Member
the problem about starfish is though, since they have such a slow metabolism, it takes at least 6 months without food for them to starve. now a linkia starfish, they eat the bacteria on your live rocks, so to be able to sustain enough food, it is suggested that you need as much as 125-150 pounds of live rock.
and the sandsifting stars, it is the same deal, In almost all tanks, there isnt enough food for them to eat and they eventualy starve. Im sorry if you got offended and thought i was saying your tank was too small. I didnt mean anything by it. it is just for this star to thrive, most takes are too small. Also, even people with big enough tanks, if they keep buying them, then they will keep getting sold to LFSs, and the cycle will continue, killing a lot of starfish.