Originally Posted by shogun323
I disagree and see the opposite. With the emmergence of E-commerce I dont see how the post office is doomed. Ever see how many packages from ---- go through the post office? What about everything purchased via the internet? It all gets shipped somehow. Sure, Email may be dominating as far as letters, and marketing mailers go but I bet Priority and Express Mail are at an all time high.
I think your 'post office' means delivery company like USPS, Fedex, UPS, DHL, and etc. Parcel delivery is the wave of the e-market economy. However, letter delivery will fade with the dodo.
I used to work for U.S.P.S (THE 'post office') for 2 years. The bulk of their revenue come from letters. Their entire infrastructure was built to deliver letters. Parcel is only a small portion of their revenues. Priority and Express Mail can be handled by Fedex, UPS, DHL, and etc. U.S.P.S, as we know it, has a grim future.