Stamps go up today!


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
i just think with more and more people using the internet the post office is doomed just a matter of time e-mail cost pennies to reach millions, and inflation, price hikes whatever you want to call it we can't do anything about it, like stated in the post before this if gas hits 5.00 a gal we will have to pay it, but with that forever stamp that puts a cap on it so that is what will bring the usps to it's knees...tobin
I disagree and see the opposite. With the emmergence of E-commerce I dont see how the post office is doomed. Ever see how many packages from ---- go through the post office? What about everything purchased via the internet? It all gets shipped somehow. Sure, Email may be dominating as far as letters, and marketing mailers go but I bet Priority and Express Mail are at an all time high.


Originally Posted by shogun323
I disagree and see the opposite. With the emmergence of E-commerce I dont see how the post office is doomed. Ever see how many packages from ---- go through the post office? What about everything purchased via the internet? It all gets shipped somehow. Sure, Email may be dominating as far as letters, and marketing mailers go but I bet Priority and Express Mail are at an all time high.
I think your 'post office' means delivery company like USPS, Fedex, UPS, DHL, and etc. Parcel delivery is the wave of the e-market economy. However, letter delivery will fade with the dodo.
I used to work for U.S.P.S (THE 'post office') for 2 years. The bulk of their revenue come from letters. Their entire infrastructure was built to deliver letters. Parcel is only a small portion of their revenues. Priority and Express Mail can be handled by Fedex, UPS, DHL, and etc. U.S.P.S, as we know it, has a grim future.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MoneyMan
I used to work for U.S.P.S (THE 'post office') for 2 years. The bulk of their revenue come from letters. Their entire infrastructure was built to deliver letters. Parcel is only a small portion of their revenues. Priority and Express Mail can be handled by Fedex, UPS, DHL, and etc. U.S.P.S, as we know it, has a grim future.
My post office is the USPS. Interesting statistic about the bulk of revenue being from letters. I was not aware of that. :thinking: Be that as it may, they are screwed!!!


Active Member
there will always be a need for the post office, it is still cheaper to send letters and small packages with them.
ups, dhl, fedex, and whoever else still need our address to send us something. they get this from the post office. which one would want to take that over, i'd imagine none of them.


Active Member
as far as i know the only thing they would need to get our addresses for is junk mail otherwise we are customers of some sort and are in a data-base with the suppliers i already think mail is a dinosaur with online bill pay, online banking etc. i have no idea how many computers are bought each day in america for the home but i'm pretty sure it's several thousand and at least a small percentage are 1st time computer owners as soon as they can say this much % of america has them i think it's over for the usps...tobin


Originally Posted by larryndana
ups, dhl, fedex, and whoever else still need our address to send us something. they get this from the post office. which one would want to take that over, i'd imagine none of them.
Good point...
USPS will be an organization that manages street addresses like InterNIC on the internet.


If there wasnt a demand for companies like UPS, FED-EX and DHL they wouldnt exist. Consumers will go with the least expensive option, each time the USPS raises their prices people will purchase less from it. I know I will.


Active Member
i do pay 90 percent of my bills online, but the other 10 percent will never go to an online payment. its not a cost effective messure for a small company to have an online payment system. they will still need the services of the usps. like.... a local water company, a local pest control service, a local grass cutting service, ect.
on a side note, would we want to allow thousands of jobs to go just because we can't send a 41 cent letter somewhere. i think i'm gonna double our christmas cards this year,, anyone want an early christmas card?