Stand Alone Skimmer without sump?

bruce p.

New Member
Can I run a stand alone skimmer like the Kent Nautilus or Precision Marine bullet without a sump? Would a pump like a mag 9 or 12 be enough to move the flow out of the tank , through the skimmer and back in? The skimmer would sit under the tank. If not I am leaning towards a Remora Pro HOB with a Mag 3 pump upgrade. My filter is being custom made by a LSWF store. It is a HOB powered by a Mag 18. My UV will run off of it via a t valve to slow down water flow. The UV is a 15 watt Aqua ultravoilet 2000. Can I patch in the skimmer off the same line? I would prefer to keep it seperate if possible to create maximum water movement.The tank is a 110 high with an Aquaclear 410 powerhead blowing over the substrate. I am planning on 50 pounds of cured live rock to start. Thanks for your input, this forum rules!


Active Member
u would have to have a really good skimmer, my lfs only uses the sump to bring water to his sump and his water is crystal clear, he doesnt use carbon or anything