Stand is Bowed, Can I still use it?


Active Member
So I have my new 75 gallon up on the dresser I was going to use as a stand, with about 30 lbs of sbstrate, and 10 gallons of water in it. I can now see a gap between the bottom of the tank and the center of the dresser. The tank is apparently resting on it's ends, with no center support. Sighting down the gap, it's definately the dresser that is the problem. Would an extra layer of plywood on top fix this, or should I just go ahead and invest in a new stand?


Active Member
This is what I get for being impulsive.
I think it's off to the hardware store when my parents come up for Memorial Day. I'm just going to build the stand I had been planning on.


Active Member
NOT a good idea to have the tank resting on only its corners.
i would move forward with your plan to make a new stand before add ANY more weight.


Active Member
Yeah, on reflection it seemed pretty self evident. I was just too disapointed to accept reality at first. I'm going to owe my husband bigtime after I finish fixing all the problems my impulse to get the bigger tank caused. None of my old hang-on equiptment goes over the rim of this thing, so I might even go for an overflow box and a sump (can use the old aquarium for now) since I'll have to invest in new filtration anyway. At that rate, by the time the dust blows over, I'll have everything I need for my converion to salt water except the skimmer, sand and rock.
My stand plan has been rolling around in my brain for months now anyway. I should even have a cutting list for the 75 gallon version around here somewhere. I just have to wait for my parents to come visit with the van, and get my 7 10 foot 4x4s. (I was planing to overbuild for the 55 gallon, I think the design will hold for the 75 gallon, but I need to find really straight timbers.)