stand pics


ok so i now have a 45 gallon, up untill a month ago i had a mandarin, a hippo tang, bicolour angel, a sixline, and a percula clown. anyways long story short, they all died (except for the 6line) within a matter of a day, (removed my canister filter = tank crash) so i wanted to add more fish, and people were telling me that i could only fit about 4 fish in a 45, so i got depressed, then decided to buy a 90 gallon, the tank is 48X18X24, i have about 90 lbs live rock, 90 lbs live sand, 1 6line wrasse, 1 reef lobster (coming out soon) 2 cleaners, 1 cbs, 60 snails, etc etc
Ok now to the point, im going to be building myself a stand, and canopy, can you people post pictures of your setups to give me some good ideas.


what the?
are all you people telling me you dont have a stand, im pretty sure you all have stands, because there's no such thing as a floating tank. now that i think about, that would be pretty cool.
anyways, could you please post pictures.


Wait, wait, wait. You have this 90 gal tank with no stand? Where is it? On the floor?If so, god forbid, Its gonna be hard towing it up onto the stand, what... you'll have to take out 50% of the water. Hrm...


no, no, no, im way smarter than that, i still have my 45 running, and im not even going to consider putting a thing in that 90 untill it is on a stand, im moving, so im leaving the old setup behind, but thats not until i build a stand, and i cant build a stand unless i get lots of stand ideas!!!!!


good luck builing the stand. i am also wanting to bulid one. i will post a link to a thread i made. and the only way you'll find and DIY stand pic is if you search. i posted a long time ago and no one replied.