standard 10 gallon lighting


I have a couple of ten gallong tanks that I am thinking about setting up but the question that I have is this: The hoods have the scre in bulbs and since I am looking at doing corals, they do not provide enough light. Do they make a compact flourescent bulb that screws into hoods like these that can get me up to that 75 watt level?


I am some what new to the salt water sceen but I do a lot of research. I have never seen any thing like that. I use power compacts which work great and are much cheaper than meatal halids. The problem with power compacts is they require a special ballest to power them. My 12 gallon take I use a 18x2 wastt which powers a atnic blue and a daylight white compact tube. I dont belive that the 3-5 watts per gallon applies with power compacts, for they are rated different. For instance a 55watt power compact actually provides more light inensity than a 110 watt very high output tube. There is alot of info on the web about lighting. When


they do sell screw in power compact bulbs now in either 10K or 50/50 in 10 or 20 watts so i think two 20 watt 50/50s would work great, but thats JMO. ive seen them for sale at dr. fostersmith. com,, and probably any good aquatics retailer for between 5 and 15 dollors so at the price why not give it a try :happyfish


cool hows your coraline and coral growth with that setup?
and how is the tank setup if u dont mind me askin


coraline growth is very good. dont have any corals. it has about 20lbs of LR, live sand, mushrooms, zoos, inverts, couple fish.


yea I know they are a type of coral just really dont consider them one IMO. its 40 watts, and they are growing very good. nice and bright.


Active Member
Hi, I have the same type of bulbs in my 10 gal too. My mushrooms, feather dusters, and tube anemone are all doing just fine. The cost of corals here is very dear so I don't have alot except what I stated in my tank at the moment. But if you want to keep "high" light corals I don't know if these would be enough. For what I want they are perfect.


cool ill have to set up a little "experiment" and see how it will love another noisy tank to with my collection he he