stange deaths

king kole

in three months i've lost 4 fish. three mos ago a full grown anthias disappeared overnite.2 mos ago a christmas wrasse died overnite last month my chalk bass died without any signs of physical damage or disease. today i found my one year old coral beauty on the bottom. i have two tanks one reef and one fowlr all the deaths are in the fowlr. is there some thing that could be in the tank that could sting these fish? i've taken out the 130 lbs of lr and didnt see anything. i thinkof giving up because this is too demoralising given the amount of care and dedication i give to these tanks. what the ----is killing my fish? tanks are 90's amon 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5 ph 9 sal 1.023 fowlr 60 lbs live sand 130lbs live rock. any help would be appreciated.

king kole

thanks . ive had these tanks up for one year read everything i could been on this site read posts just for knowledge [ theres a ton of it ] and fell in love with this hobby but when you put every bit of dedication into something and you see unexplainable failures like this it gets to you if your really into it. my wife just said what did you do differently yesterday? i realised i feed the afternoon feeding of a san fran bay co marine cuisine. i dont usually use it but i try to vary the diet. this is one i dont use very often about once every three weeks! could this be a cause... poisoned food? i'm not sure how to confirm this but the timing is very suspicious.