star ate my condy

my chocolate chip star ate my condy while he was half deflated
back to the lfs for my star. ive had him for 8mo. and he never ate anything he was not supost to till now.
i really like him.


the star might have just eaten it because it was already dying. I would take this as a blessing in disguise as condy anemones could easily kill and eat fish.


Active Member
Some research into that particular species of starfish might have really done you some good because they are the least reef safe of any of the commonly kept stars in this hobby. They will eat anything that they can catch. I am extremely surprised that you did not see any deaths prior to this. They will eat corals, fish, and inverts if they can. You may have been keeping him well fed until now which is why he never bothered anything else.


Originally Posted by hlcroghan
Some research into that particular species of starfish might have really done you some good because they are the least reef safe of any of the commonly kept stars in this hobby. They will eat anything that they can catch. I am extremely surprised that you did not see any deaths prior to this. They will eat corals, fish, and inverts if they can. You may have been keeping him well fed until now which is why he never bothered anything else.
+1--Well said-choc chips will eat anything and everything they can catch or climb on-they should be in a fish only tank