STAR FISH compatibility question


I am wanting to get a particular starfish: 1. Blue starfish - Linchkia Laevigata - grows up to 12 inches, Feeds on Brine, micro-plankson, algae and is considered reef safe
2. Orange Linkia Starfish
= grows up to 3 inches, and same as #1
I really like to color of the blue starfish and can deal with it growing up to 12 inches! (thinking about larger tank in future)
Does anyone have an comment on the care of any one of these? any problems, concerns? or basically ANY information, recommendations?
I have: 29 gallon, lots of live rock - 40 - lbs or so, Protein simmer, filter, heater
lots of snails and hermits, 1 crab, cbs, 1 brittle star,
fishies: gobies, and 2 damsels.
I know these star fishes need lots of hiding spaces. I want to get either 1 of 2. Any recommendations?
I wish I could get the chocolate chip star - but its not reef safe!!!
Thanks for any feedback!!


Active Member
I must make it clear though I'm not yelling at you :)
THey DO NOT eat these items. They do not feed on detritus and algae as we commonly call it, or we would all keep them indefinitely. They are also not filter feeders. Their specific diet is UNKNOWN, but it is clearly correlated with the amount of LR available for grazing.
A mature tank at least 6 months old with at least 100lbs of LR...this is MINIMAL for the blue Linckia, which, IMO, should only go in tanks with over 150lbs of LR and generally over 100g. Reef tank only.
The Orange Linckia, IMO, needs a minimum 55g tank with 75- 100lbs of LR, also a minimum amount.
They can not be spot fed and only feed on the LR.
They are some of THE MOST difficult animals to keep long term, with most dying of acclimation shock, and a large percentage dying in 8-12 months of starvation.
Your tank, IMO, is not suitable for either. In several months, when you add more LR and it is more mature, you MIGHT be able to get a Linckia multiflora. But there are no guarantees.
I can only beg you to PLEASE not get a blue or orange Linckia.
There are exceptions for sure, your better bet if you insist would be the orange which is more likely to take to spot feeding but this is still, IMO, not the norm.


I Had 2 Starfish In My Old Tank (10g)for About 6 Months,they Were Real Healthy, Moved All Over The,rocks,sand And Under Rocks In Tight Places.. I Heard You Can Spot Feed Them Dead Raw Shripm(small)..,, Means You Put The Meat Down On The Sand Then Grab The Star And Gentle Hover Him Over It............ All I Did Was Drop A Piece Of Dead Raw Shrimp In My Tank, And Off To The Bottom It Sunk, Be4 The Day Was Over, Id Always See A Starfish On Top Of The Shrimp For Up To An Just Saying Thats What Mine Ate ;)....... Then One Day Its Arms Started Melting And Eventualy Died... Im Not Sure Of Its Death? I Dont Think It Was Starvation..... Im Sure My Ammomia Level Was Sky High At The Time.. My 10g Always Had Shitty Readingsss.. Thats Why Ive Upgrated To A 55, Thats Almost Done With Its First Cycle... I Was Thinking In About 6 Months, Up Grading To A 110g.. My Wet-dry,skimmer And Lighting Can Handle A 110g



Active Member
Not to steal the post or anything. But Ophuira I have heard you mention the multiflora linckia before. What are some common names for it? I have searched for that name but found nothing.


Im glad I am doing my homework before purchasing anything. I included (in the quote) what seems to not be correct!!!!!!
I also glad I joined this site and we have experienced people like you who actually knows what they are talking about!!!!
Lesson learned, EVERYONE do your homework BEFORE Buying anything It seems like this other company was just into selling stuff without being knowledgable and not fully passing info to the buyer!!!!!!!!!!

-- THank you for your input and those Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about your nemo.
I've included the sales pitch of the other company attempting to sell their star!!!!
Becareful before buying anything from a NEW COMPANY!!!
Due to variations among each species, livestock may not look identical to the image provided. Expect diversity since each animal is unique in color, texture and shape.
Restricted Species. This species is very difficult to keep and should only be attempted by expert aquarists, or is a 'delicate shipper.' Our Stay Alive guarantee is not available on this item.
Orange Linkia Starfish - Linckia species
The Orange Linkia Starfish may grow to 3 inches. Omnivore, like to eat filter feed (invert food, brine shrimp, micro-plankton) a few times per week, when open.. The Linckia species is generally peaceful toward other tankmates. Reef-safe. Many consider the Linckia species a low-maintenance specimen. Not venomous. Algae eater. Needs places to hide. Be careful with copper-based medication and extreme nitrate levels. Do not expose to air. Keep water quality high (SG 1.023 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Regular: $25.00Sale: $18.95


Active Member
Homework is always the way to go, and I commend you for doing it
They are correct on the "should only be attempted by expert aquarists" but wrong on many others. Not to say they are purposely being misleading, I just don't think people know that we don't know what they eat. Most also don't realize that they live longer than a year. They probably are an Omnivore to some extent, feeding on microscopic critters, encrusting sponges, and the like. Some orange Linckia do appear to take to various types of food (algae sheets, or "filter feeding") but these are not the norm, IME. I wish it was the norm. I also believe their specific gravity is too low, their size estimate is wrong, and the temperature as well. 72?!?!?!
There are several species of stars that are predatory (you mentioned the chocolate chip) and therefor easy to spot feed. Linckia and Fromia, I am afraid, are not the easy one's.
Linkia multiflora - I wish I knew of a or "the" common name. Maybe "mottled" Linckia or something. It does have a mottled coloration ranging from pink, red, orange, buff, green and blue or combinations thereof. Nice critter, just don't know what they would be called.


Well Snipe, I don't know what you put in but I tried..."multiflora linckia" AND "linckia multiflora" and got a ton of stuff!! I even saved a pic for ya... :D


ok, can I buy some of that Live Rock LOL!


No way!! I found that pic on the net. My linckia looks like this...


in my opinion i would hold off until you get a bigger tank, I was planning on upgrading to a 100gl about 3 months ago and because of that i bought a yellow tang and because of my financial situation i still have the tang in a 38gl and i wish i just would have waited


Active Member
So far so good with the L. multiflora I picked up about 2 weeks ago. It's still a long way off before I know if he really is going to make it but he seems to be doing well. Moves all around the tank. :D


after opihura's advice < --- starfish expert (i saw your links and it seems you are really heavily into the starfish WOW!! awesome) I am definitely not gonna adopt a blue or orange linchkia starfish.
I will just enjoy Tizzo's and Phil's picture -- I will just imagine that they are in my tank!!

I definitely will get one of those when I get my larger thank in the future!!!!!!!
Thanks everybody!! swear, you could just give me a chair infront of a nice tank and I could literally sit their all day watching it!!! I love this hobby :) :D
If anyone else has any cool pictures of their starfish -- please post!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I have a serpent star but he dont come out mutch. He is getting better but not like the linckias or "daylight" stars.
Ophuira is a "Star Shark" that is what she specializes in "and other inverts".


Originally Posted by keonia
after opihura's advice < --- starfish expert (i saw your links and it seems you are really heavily into the starfish WOW!! awesome) I am definitely not gonna adopt a blue or orange linchkia starfish.

If you want, you can say that the one in my tank is yours and I'm forever holding it for you.
It's good to heed Ophiuras advice, I did the same before I got my linckia, although that was the last of the few she recomended for me. We all know she's right but I will verify that you can not spot feed these things!! I have yet to figure out what they eat, and I will figure it out!! Scientists and researchers don't know with the million they study, but I will find out cause now I have one!! OK, that's a joke! I have been able to spot feed it one single thing that I know it eats, but I do not think it can live off of that alone, so I hope I have whatever it needs to have a happy life (180lbs LR)!! So far so good but I am only in month 2 or so...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I have been able to spot feed it one single thing that I know it eats, but I do not think it can live off of that alone,
What is it that it is eating?!?!?!?!?!?!? :joy:


Gimme your e-mail and I'll tell you... I don't wanna post it because I can see a bunch of people saying..."I know what it eats!! I can get one for my 29 gallon tank with only 5 pounds of LR!!" Or you can email me and I'll respond...


Active Member
You two would whisper to each other in a crowded room then smile and not say a word. . . .wouldn't you? You're not gonna tell us are ya? :confused: