Star Fish Help


Active Member
What are your water conditions? Are you feeding it? When stars starve, they deteriorate...


Active Member
how long ago did you add it? how did you acclimate it? what's your salinity/water conditions like?


Active Member
please define "RIGHT"...there is a wide range of values people find acceptable for various fish. there is a very tight range of values which will be acceptable for a starfish. and are you spotfeeding your starfish or are you just expecting him to clean up leftovers. if you're not spotfeeding he could most definitely be starving as suggested by Buzz


Active Member
taret or spot feeding is where you actually take a piece of food (i use krill) and place it under the stars oral disc so that it can eat!
good luck


what else is in the tank with there are some fish and inverts that will eat the legs of the starfish. ie puffers, triggers , and wrasses are the main ones that come to mind.
have you done any large water changes that could raise or lowered your salinity quickly.
aslo if you post your water test readings it would help.
the term "RIGHT" just doesnt help when it comes to readings of the water.