star fish


Active Member
Hi, to all you 10 gal nano hobbyist. Does anyone have a starfish?
What kind?
What do you feed it?
Any info would be greatly appreciated :cheer:


Active Member
:notsure: I'm new to this hobby also.I have a sandsifting starfish which seems to do a good job cleaning ( or does he just move the sand around?) I haven't seen him in 2 days,can someone tell me if they stay buried for long periods of time?


Active Member
I didn't see my sand sifter for days on end, sometimes a week or two. Depends on the size of your tank, but even with a small tank like 10g, don't expect to see him daily at all.


I have a green brittle star and it's a PIG! Not only had i seen it snatching fish flakes but it eats those shrimp pellets like crazy! I just sat and watched him eat 5 pellets...stole two of them from my poor hermits lol. Is it normal for them to eat so much? He aint that big...body about the size of a 50 cent piece.


well dang i better keep an eye open on this brittle..will he also go after my hermits?? And how big can they get?


Active Member

Originally posted by clown_nut
well dang i better keep an eye open on this brittle..will he also go after my hermits?? And how big can they get?

More likely to attack small fish from what I've read - I had a banded serpent in a 20.
If you keep him well fed you will have less worries.
They can get huge from the pictures and live ones I have seen!


Hey Debbie. I have a 10 gallon also, and wanted a starfish, but my lfs told me I couldn't keep one b/c the tank would be too small. :mad: Now I have been hearing from the likes of people in this thread and think I will try it. What else do you have for clean up? And how many (if any) fish do you have in there?


Active Member
Hi, I have 1 tomato clown, 1 green chromis, 1 camel shrimp, 1 snail, 2 teeny tiny hermit crabs. All of these except the two crabs have been in there for 8 months and doing just great. The two fish get along so well and are so funny at times. They really think they are a pair and do the body flicking thing and play tag, one chases and the other one hides behind a rock then they reverse the roll.
It is a very peaceful tank and I am really enjoying it alot. "Who says you cannot do a marine 10 gal tank". I can and love it alot. It is something I would not recommend to someone whom is new to the fish world or not ontop of it everyday making sure water is topped off etc. But it sure has been alot of fun for me.
So in regards to the star fish, I just think they look so neat and wanted to know if one could be added to a 10 gal and what kind.
Thanks for your reply...Debbie


I have a 12 gallon and have a sand sifting starfish. I arranged the rocks so that it has much more sandbed for it to thrive in and he seems to be doing just great. He tries to crawl up the sides but quickly realizes he can't hang onto the acrylic. I wish I could be more specific about the species but I'm REALLY new so I have no clue.
I've noticed that people mention to feed it--how exactly do I feed it? Do I lift it a little, put food underneath it and put it back down on the sandbed? I put the brine shrimp in a little squirty dropper so I can control the doses but with this tool it'd be easy for me to feed it that way. How often should I feed him (if I can find him >.<)


Active Member
Hi, I am sorry that I cannot help you with that question. I do not know the first thing about star fishes. I know that there are lots of knowledgeable people on this forum. Hopefully someone can help you with this.
Good Luck.....:jumping:


I have a 10 gal with an emerald starfish. I never feed him
per se, he eats algae around the tank. Sometimes he hangs out on the substrate. I think he's finding stuff to eat there too, but he never hides. Most of the time he hangs out on the glass. He's a great size (maybe 3" wide) and is always visible, and usually very active ...well for a starfish.
P.S. I don't know the maximum adult size, but the lfs said it was pretty much as big as it was going to get.


well so far my green brittle seems to be peaceful as can be. Every day i drop some shrimp pellets into the tank along with some flakes for my little 3 stripped Damsel. Also I have been noticeing little beds or nests type holes bein made in the sand. Underneath and around my liverock...would the damsel do that? Keeping it mind he/she is still quite small..or possible the star?? It does have some quite mobile limbs...If i can i'll add a pic of what i am talking about soon.


Just to let everyone know, most starfish are pretty delicate animals as far as living in a tank goes. Even more so in a nano tank. There is a lot of real good info on them in the reef tanks section. Also a sandsifting star isn't a good idea for a nano tank. It will eat up all the pods and then slowly starve to death. Bad for your tank and the starfish.