star polpys--will they open?


got some green star polyps yesterday, today they wont open. someone tell this is normal.......PLEASE!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by brstwv
Don't worry it took three day's for mine to open.
It took mine 3 weeks to open all the way..I was worried when I transfered tank and added them into my eel tank...Opened in about 20 seconds...
Just kinda finicky when they want to be..


well were on day 2 lets hope they like thier new home! The LFS they came from doesnt even use RO!!! I know my water should be good, I did a WC the day before i got them!


Originally Posted by glowplug
well were on day 2 lets hope they like thier new home! The LFS they came from doesnt even use RO!!! I know my water should be good, I did a WC the day before i got them!

Knowing this why on earth would you buy them?
Seriously people wake up.


i dont use ro and my corals are great my gsp are open tons even new growth they take a while to open or at leadt mine did

d0 thy d3w

i would be willing to bet that most low end or maybe even high end fish stores dont use Ro water...because of the water bills...if they did use RO they would probably more rarely change the water..which is worse than not having RO water..especially with the massive bioload that they throw into small tanks


Originally Posted by kidreef
i dont use ro and my corals are great my gsp are open tons even new growth they take a while to open or at leadt mine did
Sorry to hear that, whats your TDS? Part of reef keeping is providing proper care for your reef, IMO you are not doing that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Sorry to hear that, whats your TDS? Part of reef keeping is providing proper care for your reef, IMO you are not doing that.
i dont understand you. the only thing that ever comes out of your mouth is negative on these boards. if tap water is working for him then who are you to say that he isnt providing the proper enviroment for his tank. do you know anything about his tank? you negative attitude is not helping the situation. try not to have so closed mind on everything and try to be at lease a little sincere. kind words never hurt anyone.


Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
i dont understand you. the only thing that ever comes out of your mouth is negative on these boards. if tap water is working for him then who are you to say that he isnt providing the proper enviroment for his tank. do you know anything about his tank? you negative attitude is not helping the situation. try not to have so closed mind on everything and try to be at lease a little sincere. kind words never hurt anyone.
I am very negative, I am so sick of seeing people mistreat their tanks. Then I have to hear statements like yours above...just because something works it doesn't mean its right. I take great pride in providing as close to natural environment for my fish and coral, I read up on things before buying and ask lots of questions, but this is all BEFORE I BUY, I don't bring home a 9" Sohal Tang for my 20 gallon because the LFS says its ok. I take offense to people not taking the time to research and killing things or not providing an optimal chance of survival.


gsp are fool proof imo they will be fine just put them in a place where they get good light and some flow and stop worrying they will be fine


Active Member

Originally Posted by TangWhispr
I am very negative, I am so sick of seeing people mistreat their tanks. Then I have to hear statements like yours above...just because something works it doesn't mean its right. I take great pride in providing as close to natural environment for my fish and coral, I read up on things before buying and ask lots of questions, but this is all BEFORE I BUY, I don't bring home a 9" Sohal Tang for my 20 gallon because the LFS says its ok. I take offense to people not taking the time to research and killing things or not providing an optimal chance of survival.
yes i agree that there are many ppl on the boards that dont treat there tanks with the proper respect. and i do agree that ALOT of ppl inpulse buy and dont have a high survival rate for that reason. but that is not the issue at hand. the issue is the way that you treat ppl. there is no reason that you should tell someone HOW to run there tank. these boards are supposed to be a place that ppl can come and ask for advise WITHOUT someone like you firing negative attitudes at them. THEY ARE HERE TO GET HELP, NOT TO BE PUT DOWN BY PPL LIKE YOU
. this is supposed to be a friendly community of hobbyist helping hobbyist, not ppl who feel the need to tell someone off helping fellow hobbyists.