star polyp wont come out of hiding


i just put a star polyp in my tank. it has been in the tank for almost 3 days and hardly any of the polyps have come out. can someone explain.
3 damsles
1 tomatoe clown
25 lbs of Lr
1 cleaner shrimp
some crabs and snails
yellow polyp
sand sifting star


It should be okay cope. Polyps usually take a while to get to know their new surroundings and will take afew few days before showing themsleves. Mine did this when I bougth them.


Active Member
As long as your water conditions are in line this is very normal! It may take up to a week for full extension. Star Polyps seem to take a little while to acclimate to a new tankl


Active Member
I have stars, yellow and daisey polyps and all mine had opened in the first day. But, I agree with the other posts. I was lucky I guess.
This happened to me, so you may want to check out your tankmates---I had got an evil imposter loawnmower blenny and I couldn't figure out why mine started closing (star), immediately I knew something was wrong, so started testing water and as I was doing this, the evil imposter started taking out my yellow ployps right in front of me (left me 1, isn't that nice)---I knew right then he was the cause, took it out and returned to LFS. Well, from that point it took my stars over a week to fully open up again. I had some open, but the majority were closed. Maybe your damsels or something else is causing it, just a thought.