Star Polyps not blooming...Help!!!


New Member
I posted this same thread on the reef forum, but no one had any advice.
For the past several days (about 5) my star polyps have not come out. Is this normal or do I need to find the problem and fix it? My other corals (Ricordia, Xenia, Zoo's) are all doing just fine. My fish and inverts are also all doing just fine. My Xenias have actually been growing very well. There was a notice difference in size in just days.
My levels are all good except for Phosphate. My phosphate is a little high but I am fixing the problem with, "Phos Buster" by Caribsea.
Any ideas?


Are you talking about Green Star Polyps, or some other kind?
If it is GSP, I would only become concerned if their matting is becoming discolored, or if they are losing their green color while they are out. From my experience the new matting is more of a pink color, and the old matting is more of a purple, so don't confuse new matting with die off. How much light do you have on them, and where are they located in your aquarium? They really can take a lot of light, and medium flow to stronger. They can't clean themselves, so you have to manually clean them with a turkey baster, or have decent flow directly towards them. They also appreciate being spot fed phytoplankton or marine snow.


New Member
Yes, they are Green Star Polyps. I've had them for several weeks and this is the first problem I've had. There matting has not changed color, it's still purple. I have emerald crabs that routinely clean the matting when the polyps retire for the night.
Now, I've not spot fed them yet. Maybe that is the problem? I was under the impression they fed from the light. They are closer to the bottom of my tank, but being only a 38G they are still close enough to my 98W 50/50 Compact florescent. They are also in a medium flow area from the powerhead.
I just can't understand why they are staying in. Have you ever heard of GSP staying in for days at a time?

jimmy 4

My gsp lost all of its polyps for about 3 weeks. The mat was still spreading though, and just about 5 days ago little clear polyps started to appear and now they are turning green.


I have not heard of GSP staying in for days at a time, however that doesn't mean they don't do that. The only thing I can think is raise it in your tank. GSP really like a lot of light.
Mine are growing rapidly under 4 T5 lights at the top of my aquarium.


Originally Posted by Absolutekind
Yes, they are Green Star Polyps. I've had them for several weeks and this is the first problem I've had. There matting has not changed color, it's still purple. I have emerald crabs that routinely clean the matting when the polyps retire for the night.
Now, I've not spot fed them yet. Maybe that is the problem? I was under the impression they fed from the light. They are closer to the bottom of my tank, but being only a 38G they are still close enough to my 98W 50/50 Compact florescent. They are also in a medium flow area from the powerhead.
I just can't understand why they are staying in. Have you ever heard of GSP staying in for days at a time?
Keep a very close eye on the emerald crabs. Mine started muching on my Zenia's and star polyps. Make sure they are getting plenty to eat. I noticed the zenia's first. One or two of the heads missing. One night when the lights were off and the zenia's were retracted, the emerald was biting off the end of them. Them emeralds were in that tank with no problems for over 6 months and all at once they got a taste of coral and out I pulled them.


New Member
They have to bloom out to feed though, right? What do you feed yours? I have kept a close eye on my emerald crabs. They are beginning to get too curious of both my xenia and polyps.
I've never feed them directly, I was under the impression you didn't have too. Maybe that is my problem?


New Member
"My gsp lost all of its polyps for about 3 weeks. The mat was still spreading though, and just about 5 days ago little clear polyps started to appear and now they are turning green."
What do you mean by, "lost" your GSPs. Did they all just fall off and float in the water of just stay retracted for a long time?

jimmy 4

The polyps just retracted and never came out for a full 3 weeks. I didn't see them fall off but now there are tiny polyps coming out of all the little bumpy parts of the mat.


Active Member
They sometimes close up for no apparent reason for a very long time. Increased flow sometimes helps. Also keeping their surface clean with a baster if Algae and stuff start to cover and become an issue.
I often tear mats of mine apart in different areas of my tank, to stop the continual spreading of the little buggers.
I have seen time and time again patches close up tight for a long time after my bothering a patch. Even far away in the tank from the bunch I messed with. I am pretty sure they have some kind of chemical defense mechanism from what I have seen with observations over time. This could have been the cause or closing if they where recently moved of disturbed.
Just increasing local flow if you can with a Power-head and sit back and wait. If there is nothing way out of whack in the tank the will come back out. They are at least in my case nearly impossible to kill off. Good Luck ...............


Originally Posted by Absolutekind
They have to bloom out to feed though, right? What do you feed yours? I have kept a close eye on my emerald crabs. They are beginning to get too curious of both my xenia and polyps.
I've never feed them directly, I was under the impression you didn't have too. Maybe that is my problem?
I'm sorry. I meant keep the emeralds fed. Good Luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Absolutekind
They have to bloom out to feed though, right? What do you feed yours? I have kept a close eye on my emerald crabs. They are beginning to get too curious of both my xenia and polyps.
I've never feed them directly, I was under the impression you didn't have too. Maybe that is my problem?
Any type of Algae for the Emeralds, Nori, or Algae tabs added will supplement their needs.
They are mostly Algae eaters so feed them the same as you would any other Algae eating critters in the tank.