Star polyps not doing well

I got a green star polyp colony that for a few weeks was doing great. Now it wont open up, and there appears to be a little hair algae, bubble algae and some random white stuff on the colony.
Can I do a freshwater dip, or anything else that would help this guy out?
Water specs are fine and all the other corals are thriving...


Active Member
star polyps will close by time to time. sometime for days, especially when trying to grow. make sure its got good flow and light. no need to do a freshwater dip. any other corals acting funny in the tank?


For some reason I had a colony a while back that did the same thing. It slowly just died off/disappeared. I never did find out what happened as ALL my other various corals and such were fine! It also had a problem with red algae stuff and hair algae and nothing else in the tank had it. Now that it is long gone I still have no issues with algae, it was very odd but since everything else was great I just figured it must have had some issues before (mine was a transfer from my biocube to the larger tank, but it wasn't doing great in the biocube either).


Active Member
What kind of waterflow is your star polyp colony getting? Mine gets a lot and after about 3 weeks is thriving , moving in the breeze, waving all around.


Active Member
YEs, they do do best with lots of flow. This will help keep the algae from overtaking them. But there again, if you have algae gorwing on them then you need to concentrate on what is causeing the algae. A healthy tank will not ahve excess undesirable algaes growing out of control. Need to get the GSP in soem good flow in the mean time. Luck with them, once they do take off you will be wishing you had never heard of the pesky, invasive little doodoos.


I had a two foot by one in half foot colony do the same thing. I moved the colony to another tank and that is what caused the problem. Now i have a 6"x6" colony. I hope it works out better for than it did for me.