Star Selection!!


Give me some reccomendations of star fish to add to my tank consisting of:
1 vilitan lion
1 Picasso trigger
1 orange shoulder tang
1 purple tang
1 emporer angel
1 spiny box puffer ---keep in mind i want to add some color and want a nice hardy star.


I have 3 CC stars and a cranberry star in my tank with a picasso , purple tang and majestic angel. I would love to add a puffer but I think it would be tough. Anyone else have puffer and starfish experiences ??


Active Member
Puffer and triggerfish are natural predators of seastars. IMO, they should not be kept together. Even if the trigger or puffer is just "interested" in it and takes little nibbles, it can cause stress. But larger puffers or more aggressive triggers can cause serious problems (aka certain death). Angels can also sometimes "pick" at the tube feet of stars.
The only even remotely possible stars (as mentioned above) are chocolate chips, red africans or general stars, but it is a risk, IMO. They will, however, appreciate the messy eaters and the meaty food. The colorful "reef safe" stars are really only suitable for large mature reef tanks as they can not be spot fed.


Staff member
Exactly right. You have to decide what you want to keep, Agressive Fish Tank, or a Reef Tank. The delicate animals of a reef just will not old up in a tank of messy predators.