My serpent star is just about dead. I have absolutely no idea what happened. I've had him since February or March and he's been doing perfectly fine up until the past few days. I noticed yesterday that he had a small hole on his underside in between one of his legs and brown stuff was peaking out of that and his mouth and I knew he was going to die. I just looked in this morning and he is out in view on one of the rocks, his whole body is one big hole on top now and his body has split in between two of his legs so it is no longer in tact. He still has all of his legs and they're moving around a tiny bit sometimes but I just don't see how he could possibly live much longer. What should I do with him? I don't want to just leave him in the tank to rot but flushing isn't an option I don't think... If anyone has any ideas I need suggestions fast because I don't think he is goign to live for much longer