Starfish appeared


New Member
Hello all,
When I checked the tank this morning I found a small 1/4 inch starfish. How do these thisngs reproduce? Because I have not added anything for about a year and have not had a star in the reef tank. Cant tell what kind of star it yet as it is to small and has no real color yet. Just kind of wanted to know how the heck it got in there. it is very strange


Kevcon, look at the thread started by BIG RED on starfish id I bumped it to the top of the forum, he has a picture of a star maybe this one is yours.


New Member
Thanks Lesa,
That is it. It is strange because I havent added anything for a long time. My cuke nuked all my fish and lately I have been finding all kinds of new life. It is pretty cool, Like a brand new tank :) . I am even considering not adding fish back to the reef. I think I will leave it alone until it starts causing a prob with the corals. Then I will probably panic :eek: . Anyway thanks again.


Active Member
You've had them all along but they are very cryptic. There is no guarantee that they will cause any damage to the coral, and if they do, there is a good chance that the coral was dying to begin with. They reproduce by splitting, which is why some arms are almost always shorter than others. I wouldn't worry about them.