This star requires a large mature tank with lots of LR, and in general is unlikely to spot feed.
The one posted above can be fed meaty foods and is not reef safe.
Chocolate chips will eat anything. Mine comes right to the top of the aquarium, sticks his hand out of the tank, and I give him krill, clam, prawn, shrimp and seaweed.
Well he's not either of those starfish lol. He was sold as a Red Knobby Starfish from the LFS that I work at. It looks alot like a big Chocolate Chip Star but has a lot of red along his feet. Can I just set a piece of krill on the bottom and place him on top of it? How often?
Originally Posted by Reefboys
Well he's not either of those starfish lol. He was sold as a Red Knobby Starfish from the LFS that I work at. It looks alot like a big Chocolate Chip Star but has a lot of red along his feet. Can I just set a piece of krill on the bottom and place him on top of it? How often?
You need to identify what type of Star it is to determine how it feeds. Can you post a pic?
I wish I could... My camera takes terrible pictures of my tank and makes it impossible to distinguish what you are seeing. My star has got to be in the same family as the Chocolate Chip. It has way too many similarities. The only real difference is that it has some red running down its feet. Sorry I can't be of any more help... What would be the best way to feed a Chocolate Chip? I'll try that and just go from there. Thanks, MATT
Put a piece of shrimp or Krill under it.
Hope it does well. In the future, please please please identify your purchases before you get them. Many critters should never be harvested from the wild.
Haha you don't need to tell me that one twice. I know it all too well. I work at the LFS where I'm in charge of salt and I always get people that are asking to give me their fish for store credit cuz they thought the pretty little baby Queen Angel could go in a 29 gallon... LOL I feel kinda embarrassed about this Starfish but i was just so pretty... I'll make sure he survives, and if he can't make it in my tank I'll do the right thing and get him into a different tank where he can thrive. Thanks for all the help guys. MATT