starfish! help!!! please!!!!!!!!


New Member
my choclate chip starfish has flattened out and i looks like one of its arms is coming off. it has been eating fine, and the fish havent been picking at it. whats up? is this normal for a starfish to loose one of its arms?


From what i have read, starfish can loose arms...they can regrow if given optimum water conditioning. Do you have any large crabs? Perhaps they could be the culprit or have you done any water changes lately that could have changed the salinity because they are partial to that big time.


New Member
yes, i bought a tap water purifier, and i did a partial water change, and upped the salinity to 1.022. it has maintainded that for about a week now. what gives?


I have 2 chocolate chips, and they have both always been very healthy. I do do one thing that seems to help them though. I pull them out twice a week, and put them in a bowl of tank water, and give them food, just to ensure the are getting enough. You may already be doing this, but its all the advice I can give. Sorry. Also, I keep my salinity a little higher, bout 1.023-1.024. Hope this helps. :)


Active Member
i'm so sorry that i logged on so late. i know how you feel, we have all been there.
if you star is gone,i'm sorry.
if not, drop another post and maybe i can help.


New Member
its 1:31 in the morining, and i have been under close observation with the starfish. the 2 "legs" have seemed to almost detach themselves from the star itself. the other 3 are doing fine, they seem to tense up when i handle it (gentley that is). is it normal for a starfish to loose tentecals? i thoght i read somewhere that the star can regenerate the tentecals. if this is wrong, please tell me.


Moe-- The starfish has an intricate water vascular system and can easily be affected by changes in salinity. SO if your salinity changed quickly that is what most likely has affected your starfish.
I think if the star has degenerated to where it is loosing multiple limbs it is more than likely going to pass away.
Sorry Moe...i would tell you that you research the invert thoroughly before you buy your next one.


I had a purple linkia starfish for a couple of years. Before it died, it also lost some of it's legs. If the starfish is still alive, I don't think it will last too much longer.