starfish HELP!!


New Member
ok here's the problem... I just got a starfish for my aquarium and I have no clue what it eats or anything. The aquarium is my sister's and she got it from school. But since we are on break she can't just ask her teacher what it eats. We dont even know what kind of starfish it is! It is light brown with big dark brown bumps on it and each of the ends of the points are dark brown too. Please help!! ALso do u HAVE to get special food for peppermint shrimp?? or is it ok if they eat the regular fish food?


It sounds like you have a Chocolate Chip Star.....does it stay attached to the glass most of the time. I have freeze dried krill (shrimp) and I just wet one, and put it under a leg. Then you can watch it work the shrimp to it's middle and his stomach fluid comes out and disolves the shrimp leaving only its skin. The Star may do this twice if it's really hungary....but then may not eat for a day or two. They are also supposed to scavange at night...but I've never seen mine do that....although the Serpant Star does. Good Luck


Active Member
its a choc chip star. like terr said u can feed it krill
the peppermint shrimp will scavange and get left over food.
CC Starfish will eat just about anything it can get its mouth on. Including unsuspecting snails! Whenever mine goes to the top of the tank and exposes its mouth near the top of the water, I drop a shrimp pellet or some frozen brine shrimp on it and he takes that. I have even fed him algea flakes. He doesnt seem picky!