Starfish in critical condition

good alex

I just noticed this today, my starfish is falling apart!! Ive had this fromia starfish for about 2yrs. the only new additons to the tank since ive last seen the star in good shape was an emerald crab, few hermits, and a refugium (switched out wet/dry and 20g fuge for a 55g fuge, kept skimmer, sponge, and uv)
tank is a 150g with ~200lb of lr
ammonium 0
nitrate 0
nitirite 0
ph 8 (in the process of bringing it up)
salt 1.027
calc 500
pictures comming up in a min.
anyother info needed just ask!!!


Active Member
I could be wrong but salinity seems kind of high. I think 1.024-1.025 is probably more so where they need to be kept. How are you testing ph? Are you sure it is as high as 8?
Sorry for the problems. Hope you can get it to heal back up.

good alex

i only have a ph test kit, but mine and the lfs has the same results for ph, my salt has always been between 1.025-1.027. using a refractometer.


Active Member
That looks more like a Powerhead damage. Are your ph's exposed where he could have gotten in there?


Active Member
I would guess stress due to tank conditions. If you have corals or anything else in your tank, they tend to take entire sections and not just strip away flesh like that. Most starfish will literally "deteriorate" with water conditions that are fluctuating too much. Who knows though - and when I say who knows, I mean don't take my word for it.

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by candycane
I would guess stress due to tank conditions. If you have corals or anything else in your tank, they tend to take entire sections and not just strip away flesh like that. Most starfish will literally "deteriorate" with water conditions that are fluctuating too much. Who knows though.


Active Member
I am concerned about a couple of things. Could you provide more details on your tank maintenance, frequency of testing, test kits used? REcent water changes? What you dose? Why and how are you bringing up your pH? What is your alkalinity?
That could either be osmotic shock from a recent issue or starvation, though I would think you have enough LR for it. Both issue show disintegration of the arms like that.

good alex

Originally Posted by ophiura
I am concerned about a couple of things. Could you provide more details on your tank maintenance, frequency of testing, test kits used? REcent water changes? What you dose? Why and how are you bringing up your pH? What is your alkalinity?
That could either be osmotic shock from a recent issue or starvation, though I would think you have enough LR for it. Both issue show disintegration of the arms like that.
water tested every 2 weeks or so
10g water change every week
dose kalkwasser mix and superbuffer-dKH (both from kent)
I am bring up my ph because i recently made my own fuge out of a 55g tank and had to add about 40g of fresh rodi water, i added buffer and waited for the water and salt to settle about a day, guess i just miscalculated, and the lowest it was, was 7.9 so im slowing bring it back up.
Dont kno my alk, can find out this weekend tho.
thanks for helping me out.

good alex

Originally Posted by candycane
I would guess stress due to tank conditions. If you have corals or anything else in your tank, they tend to take entire sections and not just strip away flesh like that. Most starfish will literally "deteriorate" with water conditions that are fluctuating too much. Who knows though - and when I say who knows, I mean don't take my word for it.
i understand what your talking about, but i also have a serpent starfish in the tank which seems to be doing perfectly. Was just thinking that if it was water conditions, wouldent the serpent also have the same symptoms?? IDk though. hopefully ophiura can answer this one.


Active Member
Not necessarily. Many animals have different tolerances to changes.
When you say "about two years" is it possible it is more around 18 months? My secondary concern at this time frame would be starvation.