Starfish in FO?


Active Member
doodle1800, Thanks!
anything meaty is a good idea. Though somewhat omnivores, they do tend to consume a lot of, shrimp pellets, shrimp, krill, squid and silversides are the best options. You can generally just place it near the arm tips, and they should find it. Perhaps once or twice a week, to start. Just keep an eye on water quality, and remove what is not eaten. The trick with stars is that they can take over 6 months...sometimes up to a year to actually starve to death. Tough way to go.
What other names have you heard used for the true Crown of Thorns, Acanthaster
? I am interested because in scientific circles we tend to stay away from these sorts of names, because they can be misused....ditto for the brittlestar/serpentstar distinction which is made in the trade only. Gets very confusing. Have to admit though, I have never heard this 'red African' star sold as a crown of thorns, and still don't think it is a particularly good selling point :) I mean, I think they get to be about 2 feet across, or so. I think I would rather have a huge lionfish than a big crown of thorns star.