Starfish is getting shorter legs


I'm not sure what is happening to my starfish, but it seems to be getting shorter? What is happening? Can anyone let me know?


I hate to say it but it sounds like he is about to die. They are so sensitive. It could be from not enough food or water quality or even how he was acclimated if he's new. Try feeding him some meeting food by hand. Test your water. Sorry


I've have had him for probably 3 months, water and everthing is fine, fish are doing great, I think if anything I may over feed a bit, but its not a big deal. He moves around and all, What should I feed it and how?


It should recover fine if you can get him to eat for you. I just give mine different things three times a week. I get some shrimp from the grocery store cut it up and put my hand down almost on his leg and he curls the little leg around the foor and eats it whole. Or I also bought some clam from the grocery store and did the same thing but I think his favorite are the silversides you can order online. I take a little plastic bowl put some tank water in let the silversides melt and pick some out and hold it down there for him. Good luck. He's become one of my favorite things because he eats right out of my hand.