Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/post/2995069
I never have a problem with mine. I have read that there are some that will eat corals, but its hard to tell the differance between speices.
+1 me neither...I have them all over my 54g...and I have not had any corals come up missing
I had these little guys in a tank back in 05. They never got out of control and they seemed to clean up a little bit. They are not Jelly fish. Who ever told you that needs to stick with FW. If you dont want them then pick them out or you can get a crab to eat them. I cant remember I think it was a Harlequin Shrimp. Maybe a good chance to get a pretty little shrimp. I never tried this route. People on here gave me a bunch of Cr@p about the shrimp starving after all of the star were eaten. IMO leave it go unless they get out of hand. If it aint broke dont fix it.
They are Asterina sp. most likely safe if not really beneficial. The only concern would be if they ever got to plaugue proportions. Then you could go on a removal quest, siphoning out those you see at water change time.