starfish question


New Member
I was looking at my tank this morning,right after i turned my lights on, and saw a tiny starfish. Never knew he was there so im guessing he hitchhiked in on my LR. My queston is this, will he ever come outduring the day or will he stay nocturnal,my other question is I have a starfish that i bought it was listed as a chocolate chip starfish its like five times his size will they get along I'm also worried about my arc eye hawk with him
. I'll try to get a pic to ID it's blueish gray less than the size of a dime. Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
Asterina, not usually a problem just keep an eye out. Could get to plague proportions if nutrients are high and they are left unchecked.


Active Member
Yup, could. I have them in my tank and no problem. Again I think if you keep nutrient levels down they are okay. There are some that eat coral but usually we get the whitergray colored ones that don't seem to. Go ahead and google them and read some of the things out there then you can make up your mind whether you want to let it be or suck it out with a water change.


Active Member
i have the same starfish in my tank. I also have something that looks like a mini serpent he dangerous?


Active Member
No mini brittle stars are cool. Usually all you se of them is their legs sticking out of rocks trying to grab some food.


Asterina is nocturnal. Multiply by dropping legs. That's why you usually see them with 3-7 at any time. They scavenge and you see them on the glass from time to time. Some people report they eat corals but doubtful. Probably eating an already dead one. Chocolate chip starfish on the other hand is a known coral eater.