Starfish question


Active Member
Leigh posted a question about her brittlestar, which continues to grow, and I responded with "if it is growing, then it may be depends how much you feed the tank, really." I have stated, that if you keep the star over a year, and it has continued to grow, then fine. Many people do not have this success. Many people do not feed the tank enough. I strongly suggest most of these stars (those that can be) be spot fed. Is that my opinion? I suppose. It is fact based opinion. But do what ever you want.
However, this idea that these stars all scavenge and will get by is misleading. If that is your opinion, fine. My opinion is contrary to it. It depends very much on the species involved, and that was not clarified until much later in the thread. Simply combining all seastars and brittlestars together as a group is a problem. They are very different, and different one's have different needs.
I do not believe I told
ets_angel that he was flat out wrong, but that his statement is misleading because not all of these animals are the same and can be lumped into one group.
If anyone was insulted, my apologies. My initial statement was "I am sorry, I disagree." I then continued to elaborate my concerns. My experience was then called into question, and I defended it.
If you don't agree with me, fine, I appreciate that, but be prepared for an exchange of ideas/debate....don't simply drop some snide remark. This is not how we learn from each other.
Again, apologies to anyone was offended, it was not my intent...and is not my intent in sharing my knowledge.


hehe people make that mistake with me all the time online,
opiura, while i can't deny you've had more exp. with sw fish than me I've owned fish ever since I knew how to talk, and well, to put it bluntly, any hobby we do is for the fun of it, and of course, we care about the welfare of the fish or any animal involved in a hobby, but, I hate it when these fun things in our lives turn into insults and accusations of not doing it right, and while you may think the matter is settled, I'm sure next time you see
ets name on another post you won't forget the disscussion. we're here for help and constructive critisism, not destructive :(