Starfish question


New Member
I have one starfish in my 75 gallon tank and am planning to buy me some cleanup crew on this site. My question is will the starfish eat my cleanup crew?


What kind of starfish is it? In general, no... but a few can.


If he is starving he might.
If you have any sick or injured, he will.
He will not hesitate to mow over any infauna, pods and such that he incounters.
But what do I know, check with our lovely Ophuria, her wisdom like her beauty shines on this board like a beacon. ;)


New Member
I don't remember the name of the starfish but it is green and has tiny spikes and is in the class of Asteroidea. It is pretty active, moving all over the aquarium.


green brittle star is what it sounds like. and yeah he can if and when he gets hungry its best to spot fee them 2-3 times a week for them to leave other things in the tank along. but they usually wont go after anything if they are feed well. but there is always the loner that will anyway so until you know watch him close.
over all I dont think there is anything to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to echo the previous posters here. My green brittle is fine. Doesn't bother anything. But my green bahama is another story and has been taken to the LFS. He would attack turbo snales who would generally escape. We had to remove him when he attacked corals.


New Member
Thanks all for the reply.
One more question, how and what do you feed a starfish? I haven't had to feed anything to my starfish yet and he's still looking healthy. He has been in my tank for about 2+ months.


I feed meaty foods shrimp. krill, squid things like that and also throw in some shrimp pellets and they find it very quickly.


They'll know when it's feeding time if you're consistent. He comes over when he knows the frozen brine going to be put in. It's fun to watch him move over there and how quick he'll do it.


Active Member
I like to hand feed mine. He will go to the front of the tank, and when he does, I take small meaty pieces of food and place them on one of his arms. I like to watch him grab a hold of it and direct it to it's center. I think it's neat when he freaks out my mom though. ;) :p :D