Starfish questions.... (Ophiura)


New Member
I was wondering how much info you have on the following stars...
Australian Biscuit Star
Cortez Starfish
Cushion Star
Marble Starfish
Harlequin Serpent Star
Are they reef safe? Are they hardy? What do they eat? Etc.
I have searched around the NET, and can't find info specific to these guys. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I know that you're the resident star expert!


Active Member
Hi, I am not familiar with all of the names. But I don't consider any echinoderms to be particularly hardy...all are very prone to acclimation shock, and death by stress caused by fluctuations in water parameters. Therefor, the tank in question should be large and stable, as well as mature.
The cushion star, and probably the biscuit star are not reef safe. They are probably relatively hardy, compared to reef safe stars.
I am not sure what the cortez star is.
I assume the marble star is a species of Fromia which would make it reef safe. It needs a very mature tank (at least 6 months) with lots of LR, preferably nothing under a 55g min with 55 lbs of LR. This would only be marginal, IMO. They are well known for dying at the 1 year mark, of starvation. They can not be spot fed. They are extraordinarily delicate. Perhaps more so than the blue Linckia.
The harlequin brittlestar is reef safe, though like any brittlestar there is the chance it might eat something. It is not a known predator, but this may not mean all that much. We don't spend a lot to study the diet of these much. I believe there was a post on this guy the other day. Not positive though. Like all brittlestars, they should be spot fed anything meaty, including shrimp pellets, krill, squid, silversides, etc. It is likely a species of Ophioderma
, a common genus in the hobby.
I think I have some other links around. You can write me at and I will try to find them.