Starfish? what kind should i get


Active Member
i want 2 get a starfish for my 80g, but i want 2 get one that is hardy and at my LFS they never get anythat are in good condition and if they do get some that look nice i always hear that they dont last that long from other guys so i want to get one from saltwater fish" but i want to hear your guys opinons first on a relative hard species


Active Member
Longest lasting thing in my tank. Has made it through EVERYTHING. Chocolate chip. He is also very fun to watch. He does occationally like to eat my snails. However he doesn't touch my corals. I love my star. Just a personal thought.


I'd stay away from the carnivorous ones. Generally a large wide body means they like to eat things. I've had Carnivorous ones eat featherdusters, mushrooms, snales, and eachother. Try some brittle stars or serpent stars (you'll see them more when you feed). There are a lot of reef safe ones out there. I have several that look great and don't bother anything. Now, if I only knew their names... The fish stores just call them by their color around these parts... :) You can generally identify them because they have narrow "bodies." By that I mean they area nearest where the legs all connect is small (not wide like a chocolate chip or general).
DJ :)


Just realized you're in Los Angeles... there are a lot of good fish stores in the area. What general vicinity? I'm near Pasadena.


Joker, my buddy has a great shop up here in Santa Barbara, you should make a trip and check it out. He usually has lots of cool stuff and some off the wall stuff as well.