starfish, which one?


Active Member
I would like to add one that won't knock anything over and is peaceful.. any ideas or experiences with starfish?
I have a 75 gallon reef tank, perfect water,


Active Member
Definitely need to know specificss about water quality, live rock, tank age, inhabitants.
Most "peaceful" stars are very difficult to keep alive long term, and water quality is critical to giving them even a small chance at survival.
I also wrote a couple of articles on seastars that are in our Archives forum. Worth reviewing.


Active Member
cool, i'll def take a look at that post...
tank is about 2 yrs old
sg 1.023
temp 78
0 amonia
0 nitrate
1 blue hippo
2 neon gobies
2 percs
15 blue hermits
2 emralds
2 sally lightfoots
17 red mushrooms
1 hawian feather duster
and in the qt there is 2 green clown gobies, a yellow clown gobie, and a kole tang waiting to join in..... :happyfish


Active Member
Calcium, alk, pH?
Your specific gravity will be a possible problem....1.025-1.026 is better for these stars.
How much LR do you have ...or a pick of the tank?


Active Member
yikes, i never measure alk, ph or calcium.... :notsure:
i can do it though....
i have about 70 bs of LR and more in a pale at home, (another 30) i'll def get some pics up
i do weekly water change of 10%
*** my salt has been a 1.025... i was about to drop it to 1.022-3... because i heard that its more natural and nothing will benefit from .025... i guess i'll leave it at .025?


I added a serpentine, a chocolate chip and a brittle star about 2 years ago. My tank had been up for approx 5 years then. My Hippo ate the brittle star within the first 2 days. The chocolate chip star lasted about 4 months before he died. I was having a problem with nitrates at the time and I think that may have contributed to his death.
But the serpentine has been in there with no apparent problems. Most of the time he is hiding in the LR, but I can usually find one or more of his tentacles sticking out. If I can find him, I feed him raw shrimp when I feed my Zebra Moray. If I happen to see him out roaming around, I'll feed him dried shrimp pellets. He loves those. I've never had any problems with him burrowing or knocking anything over.
My current inhabitants are:
Zebra Moray Eel
Blue Hippo Tang
Yellow tail Damsel
Serpentine Star
Hawaiian Feather Duster
Coral Banded Shrimp
Various Hermits
Various Snails
Various Zoos
They all get along just fine.