

Okay, I have a 55 gallon tank, with around 75-100 lbs of Liverock..I got this Blue Linkia Starfish 3 days ago... well Thursday , so two nights and 3 days we have had it..
I was in there checking out my tank... and the starfish was fine, I had taken some pictures, went back in like 15 minutes later and found this...
Someone told me (at pet advantage) that its possible that he has thrown up his stomach... Is this what it looks like??? I sent the picture to LFS.. to ask, but know that most of you know more.. this is my first starfish...
I know that most say that the Blue Linkia is hard to take care of, but I trust the LFS that I bought him from (I got him from an LFS that has his own saltwater set ups at home, and takes good care of his fish, he's an aquarium store, and really knows his stuff) I would of called him but he's not open this late.... He told me that my water perimeters and tank were fine for this starfish... he tested my water and all.


Active Member
wow, that is really strange...I have never heard of this before. Sounds like a job for Ophuira!!! She's the starfish expert.


Ohhh, I just went back in there, and if its stomach, its completely off the starfish... I dont understand. The LFS told me that if it was his stomach, he was fine, that they sometimes do that.. anyone help me on this? Please.


thanks pitbul :) i wonder if i should post this in other forums, i wonder how long it will take her to see it, or if someone else would know, i'm so worried about him now :(


Active Member
I think he'll be fine...if he starts to disintegrate-I'd be worried, but he's not, so dont worry-yet. Try posting this in the reef tanks forum too...


the starfish has moved around, to the other side of the rock, just checked on him, he's still moving, that thing is NOT moving though, just laying at the bottom of the sand.


Active Member
well. i would put it in a seperate container, just my inquisitive side and my pack rat sides, but you could probably get rid of the "stomach".
I think it is the stomach or digestive system, but in theory it should grow back.

sinner's girl

how long did you acclimate him? linka's belong in the ocean, not in tanks. good luck with it. I'd think he need a bigger tank though. but chances are he'll die of starvation within 18months. try to spot him different things, maybe you'll luck out and find something he'll eat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
Sinner's girl, how do u get that AIM thing under your post number and all that?
that is what i was wondering too

sinner's girl

:notsure: I checked User CP, but I don't see it. It used to be under profile somewhere I thought. I set that up long time ago, when I first became a member, i don't even use aol IM anymore but since I can't find it, I can't remove it.
maybe someone else knows.
am I losing my mind or is it not there anymore? maybe updating my profile made it go away, thought I didn't change anything. I guess it was an old opiton?


Active Member
It is IMPERATIVE to know your specific water quality parameters, especially specific gravity. How long did you acclimate this star?
What youmay be seeing is its internal organs, not its stomach, and this is a sign of osmotic shock or a very sick seastar. These stars do evert their stomach when feeding but believe me this is not what you showed there. It is possible it will survive if conditions are ideal, but often this is a very bad sign.
IMO, your tank is too small for keeping this star long term, even if it did survive. This star, at least most specimens, do not take to spot feeding and need a minimum, IMO, of 150lbs+ of live rock, in a large, mature (at least 6 month old) reef tank. Specific gravity should be 1.025-1.026. What is the specific gravity also at your LFS? Acclimation time should be about 4 hours or so, more or less depending on the LFS parameters versus your own. But unfortunately, even with proper handling, many of these stars are doomed before even reaching an LFS.
I've written an article on them in the reef forum: IOTM Seastars, Part I that may give you a bit more info as well.


Active Member
geeze. I didn't know all of this.. I have three seastars, a chocolate chip, an orange linkia, and a red general in a 200 gall tank which has been up and running only 4 months. they are all fine. In fact they are the happiest guys in the aquarium. I have had them three weeks already...will they be ok?


Active Member
There is no way to know for sure. What are your parameters? How much LR do you have? The general and chocolate chip should be fed but are less of a concern than the Linckia. Though if you have a suitable amount of LR given the tank size (say 125+lbs) you should be OK. The tank is young, which isn't ideal, but it is large.


Active Member
Thank you. I had better add more live rock I really only have two large pieces of real live rock about 50lbs. However, I have about another 75 lbs of other stuff 1/2 reef replicas and 1/2 dead coral. I have copepods and I have good algae growing on the live rock and some of the reef replicas. I have a huge sump 55 gallon capacity so I guess I can get cycled live rock and either put some more in the sump or more in the tank.....My tank. I was thinking I should also get some macro algae too. I thought my tank was a little weak because its only 4 months old (which is true) but probably alot of it is the live rock factor. I probably need alot more. The reason I didn't put much in was I was afraid of importing bad stuff, disease bristle worms etc. But it sounds like you all feel alot of live rock is essential to success? thanks again


Active Member
Oh sorry I forgot to tell you my parameters. sp grav 1.023, ph 8.3, nitrite 0 nitrate 0 calcium 460ppm, kh 180(by dipstick) GH 300 (by dipstick). what else is there, oh temp 78
(I have pacific coast chiller which has kept it constant). I use reef crystal salt, I have crushed coral substrate about 3-4". I have not been using r/o di. I was filtering tap water first with carbon, treating it for chlorine then mixing in the seasalt and mixing for two days with a power head in a large trash can before adding for water changes. I have a typhoonIIIr/odi on its way however, should be here monday so i can start using r/o di water. I usually filter when necessary with purigen. I also have a 36watt uv running. That's about it I guess. Thanks