

I am looking at getting a starfish for my tank. What would you recomend? A birttle star or a Orange Linkia Star. I like the looks of the Orange Linkia Star better. AWould it be ok to add?


Without more info I would say go with a brittle star. Orange Linkias need lots of live rock and very good water conditions to survive.
Do you have a large tank with plenty of rock? Be careful and make sure that you have enough experience to care for it. I have already killed off one linkia but haven't replaced it.


Active Member
You may be able to do an orange linckia if you have around 75 lbs of LR. But how old is your tank? It needs to be very established. You also need to drip acclimate linckias for at least 4 hours.


Orange Linkias need at least 75lbs live roxk, a stable system, and algae.
Brittle stars are easy to care for.
Both stars are very sensitive to the slightest salinity or ph swing.

sinner's girl

NO Linka, you need a bigger tank, more lr and an older tank, even then, they don't do well in capitivity.
Brittle and serpents are good. But they still need an established tank and good water, changes can stress/kill them. Make sure you feed them!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
NO Linka, you need a bigger tank, more lr and an older tank, even then, they don't do well in capitivity.
Brittle and serpents are good. But they still need an established tank and good water, changes can stress/kill them. Make sure you feed them!

Orange linckias don't require as big of a tank, according to Ophiura.