
30 hex

somone gave me a starfish from florida gulf coast I belive. Its about half dollar size and tanish brown with little bumps all over it (the typical one you see dried in souvenire shops).Will it hurt anything in a reef setting? I know most starfish are harmfull. I didnt really want it just got stuck with it. :mad:

mr . salty

Active Member
Are the bumps a darker brown than the rest of it's body??? If so it is a chocolate chip star,and are very dangerous in a reef tank.The general rule for starfish is,,if it has bumps then it is NOT reef safe.

30 hex

No, it is not a chocolate chip,just a plain old brown. I only have live rock but it doesa have some nice plants,coral algae,and button polups.


Active Member
it could one of a hundred diferent stars.
i suggest that you do a search over the net.
you can go through pics until you find it.
let us know what you find.