

Well I am very sad. I had this beautiful brittle starfish and somehow I managed to kill it. two of it's legs are gone and it's not moving anymore. I don't think I will try one of those for along time.


Active Member
What are your water parameters? Brittles are sensitive to water conditions. Alot of times they will lose their legs if they are stressed too.


what are your tank readings
salinty ph ammonia nitrate nitrite all that good stuff and how did you acclimate him to the tank. finding out what happen is the first thing to do,
it sounds like a shock problem from acclimation but if you post what you did then we can narrow it down from there.


I've had him for about a week and decided to change my substrate to sand so I took everything out put them in buckets and took out the old stuff and ugf and put in the sand I then put in half clean water and the rest from the buckets I kept. When it settled alittle I put all my guys back in. My ammonia went up a tiny bit as well as my nitrites. I don't know about the nitrates because I ran out of that test. The ph is always around 8.6 and the sg. is at .024. I called a guy at Dr. Foster and he said becuase I only had base rock and no live rock he was starving. I told him I was trying to hand feed him some brine and he seemed to be eating it great until this started but he said he wasn't getting enough from the brine and I should have fed him something like clam or sqiud. So I ordered live rock and am going tomorrow to get more food. He is still alive so far. I thought he was dead already but he is still moving around the tank but only has two legs left. I also did do a water change this morning to be the ammonia and nit. down.


is this a green brittle star??
if so 1 I dont what its is about rock but they are scavangers and will eat anything. mraty foods are the best squid clam. shrimp krill they are all good for them .
the other things is that as long as it is moving around it is possible for him to regenerate his lost areas. there might have been some sort of swing that happened when moving him from one place to another it is rather easy to shock them and if shocked the start to decentegrate. keep try to feed him and watch him clsely. when you get your new rock dont add it start to the tank. setup a bucket or something that will hold all the rock and fill with sw (better if it is aged so you might want to do this tonight or something) leave it set for a couple of days and then check your readings to see of they are 0 out if not wait until there are or everything in the tank is going to be at risk.


Try spot feeding him some krill. (twice a week) It will take time but he will regenerate his lost legs.

sinner's girl

their legs can grow back,
our stars love bloodworms better than brine. they also like raw shrimp from the store (little salad shrimp, give him 1/4 to 1/3 of it) (make sure the star eats all the shrimp and other food you give him)
I do not think he starved due to no lr...there is lots of other stuff for the star to eat (left over fish food).
Very important! when you get the lr make 100% sure it's cured! if not, you'll just have the same problem over again from die from the lr. (if it comes from an established tank and has stuff growing on it then it's live).
Good luck. My stars are sick/stressed/dying due to us moving and the ammonia spiking.


spot feed mine krill and store shrimp. about the size of a marble
ammonia is also more toxic at high ph, ask a shark but you may want to slowly bring that down?


I didnt even catch that one. yeah your PH ideally should be at 8.2-8.3 or right around there I think that might be alittle bit of a problem might want to try to get that down abit.
are you adding a buffer?


thank you so much for everyone replying to my post. He didn't make it. His main body was decentigrating. So I took him out. I am not adding buffer at this time because I thought it was only used to raise it. I can't remember what kind I used once but my water got all milky. I have not used any since. I am going to set up a 20 bucket and cure my lr for at least a week. then wait a few months ( as long as I can get my ph down) and try again. I don't want to kill anything. I just get to upset. As far as the ph I bought some a.b ionic and it will be in next week. do you think this might help? If you have any other suggestions please let me know. What kind of buffer? Thank you again. You guys are a lot of help.