Starry Blenny? Anyone have experience?


So there is a 50% off sale at a LFS here in Chicago tommorrow.
I went and did some reconnaissance this evening and spotted a fair sized starry blenny that caught my eye. It is black speckled in white spots/stars (no its not covered in ick) It looks a lot like this image http://www.***********.com/images/ca...ry-blenny3.jpg
I have wanted a blenny for a long time, and this one looks to be a good specimen.
I currently have a 29 gallon (long) reef tank with sps/lps/softies. It is packed full of rock with lots of caves, hiding spots, and tunnels. 20 gallon sump/fuge with DSB and macro algae
The current stock list for fish is a female marroon clown and a 2 inch royal gramma.
Would this be a good choice?


I had one in my 29 w/ a royal gramma, and a sebae clown. I loved this fish but died when my tank sprung a leak and I had to break it down. Lots of personality and cool to look at, even fed it out of my hand after a while.


Well i dragged my hungover self out of bed at 9:30 this morning so i could get the best selection at the store when it opened at 10.
I picked up the most active starry blenny (out of 3) he/she is about 2.5 - 3 inches.
It hid under the rock for a little while, but when i got home later today he/she was purched at the highest point on my live rock and is taking care of some hair algae on the back wall of my tank. I must say that it looks quite at home.
I also picked up a green acropora frag that i will be needing an I.D of. I will post pics of both animals tomm.
Thanks for the response blkhawk.


Active Member
I love the starry blenny!!!! Salarias ramosus. For me it was between that and a tailspot blenny. Ecsenius stigmatura
The tailspot won out here, but I do love the starry!!


seeing as your tank is aggressive the starry was the right choice. just make sure he will eat other foods too cause its hard to sustain them on the tanks algae.