Stars and Stripes puffer


New Member
Ok, so I bought one and threw it in my semi-reef tank. Bad idea?
He's wee, about an inch long, 3/4" is more like it...
I have a few small hermits, and two big turbo snails... and some mushrooms...
Will this be ok? or did i ---- up?
sounds like you made a bad choice my freind.
say good-bye to the hermits and snails. say good-bye to any small fish once it gets bigger(they get pretty big by the way). and say good-bye to good water quality since they need to be fed quite often, and make a pretty big mess afterwords if you know what i mean. say good-bye to any shrimps you have or want to have too. or.............................say good-bye to the puffer, and bring it back where you got it from. thats the best choice for you now if you ask me.


New Member
oh yay, unfortunately the lfs where i bought it is an

and i know they wont take him back...


Hey Ralphoo!
Post it here for trade in your town! <smile> I've actually met 1 person already from here and will be meeting another soon. It's great for problem fish, extra equipment, etc.! Try posting with your city's name and you will get people closer to you. Also, give suggestions on what you might want in return for the puffer.
Worse case scenerio you can give it to a person that may be able to help you out someday. Like the two locals and I, because we met here and live close are now able to continue trading and/or helping each other.
Hope this helps!