Stars and Stripes Puffer?


New Member
My fish store has a puffer by the name of stars and stripes. When I look online I cannot find this type of puffer anywhere. Has anyone heard of a puffer called this and if so, what other types of names does this puffer go by??


Active Member
Stars and stripes puffer is the common name for this species. In fact, I don't believe I've seen it called anything else. Like all Arothron puffers, it is a messy eater, needs a larger tank, and has a great personality. Bo

beach bum

They are also called a hispid puffer, from their scientific name Arothron hispidus. They are pretty common, but very neat. They get bigger than the dogfaces but are like puppydogs, wouldn't hurt a fly (unless it smelled like clam). :)


New Member
Well then why is it that I cannot find anyone online selling them. I try my local fish store and they never have any. Then I FIRST look here and nothing. Then I check other online websites and they dont have any. Where can I find one? A friend of mine is wanting one and we arent having any luck


I love it.. That's great beachbum :)
Stars and stripes is the common name. Are you using a good search engine? They have similar needs to that of a dogface.
Stars and stripes puffers are cool. Go with it if you have the setup!


yeah i agree with everything said above. not only my favorite fish but also one of my favorite pets, he's like my terrier - never quits begging. very docile to tank mates...mine doesn't even bother the hermits...but that might just be him though. they are pretty common and you might ask your lfs to order them or do a better search...i've seen a couple sites online already and i wasn't even looking for them. a store around here have them every now and then, somethimes 3 or 4 at a time. expect to feed it plenty though so you need a big tank...80g minimum i'd say. mine can go through one jumbo shrimp a day easily, and eats everything from squids, octopus, clams, mussels, scallop, crab legs, and even loves nori seaweed. don't overfeed though.

beach bum

I don't know why none of the online retailers sell them - I have looked in the past, but nothing. They are in S. Michaels book 500 marine fishes, but not with a good description just a picture and max. size - around 18".
Just found this for you, though I cannot vouch for them. thepetstop , and Themarinecenter usually has quite an array of puffers.