stars per gallon


Active Member
hey all (eg ophiura :) )
i recall once reading a guideline on starfish per gallon, i think it was something like no more than 1 per 10 gallons? is this right? i'm thinking about getting a couple more serpent stars, wondering how many is the limit for my 55.


Active Member
ooh, and as a spot feeding follow up...just now as i was feeding my fish for the evening my starfish was making one of her rare appearances (e.g. one leg a half inch out from under a rock)...i put a lil flake food in tweezers and held it near that leg and boy did she grab it...she moves faster than my damsel. gave her 3 flakes like that (she was slowing down on the third). guess she was hungrier than i'd thought! so thanks for the spotfeeding tips.


Active Member
I can Have 30 Starfish:eek: , I dont think so:D , wow now its starfish per gallon?, Tang Police, Now Starfish Stormtroopers!!!!
JK, remember you have to have lots of rockwork and food supply for these guys,


Active Member
Yes, he is :p
Well, there is probably no really set rule on this, except in the reef safe seastars. I don't really see an issue with 4 or 5, so long as they are not all greens or other big guys :D To make life easier for yourself, try getting some shrimp pellets, and giving your guy one of those...easier then hand feeding flakes :)


Active Member
Oh, and plum70rt, thought you should know...
Indeed starfish police!
(leigh, as he noted though, the comment about a good amount of LR is important. Sometimes they hang out together, sometimes they like to be sure they have room for it).


Active Member
i dunno if i should be laughing or shaking in my booties!
thanks for all the advice everyone. yah, i fear i don't have the rockwork for 5, (my tank is a 55 long, so i don't really have the depth to build a nice rock base and still have room for the fish!) but i would be quite happy if i could have 2 or 3. and yes, shrimp pellets sound much easier, though it is pretty cool to watch the lil starfish leg wrap around tweezers and strip the food clean off 'em.